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Through reports you can view the results of compliance. The first screen you'll see is a form to create your reports, based on specific filters. You can show reports based on nodes, or policies, you can show your results per policy and per rule.

You are able to save these filters in a report template. Report templates can be public or non-public. If a report template is public then other people can view your report (but not edit it), if not then only you can see it. You can save a report template with the “save”-button, and delete it with the “delete”-button if you so desire.

Note that if you edit the report name, it will edit the name of that report. If you have a report template selected and want to create a new one, use the “Saved reports”-dropdown and select the empty option. This will allow you to create a new saved report.

There are four report types:

  1. Nodes: show results per policy, based on a node group.
  2. Nodes with rules: show results per rule, based on a node group.
  3. Policies: show results for all nodes in a policy.
  4. Policies with rules: show results for all nodes in a policy, per rule.

For a policy report you need to select a policy. You can type it in by its name and then select it:

And node reports can be selected by node group. You can filter them by tag on the left input field, and select it on the right input field:

When you have selected a report a preview will appear for all the records that match this report. You can also search through the columns of this preview. This filter is also part of this report.

Compliance report

When you click on the Show report button, you get to see the actual report. This report is based on the filters you provided. When you double click on any of the rows of the preview, you get to see the report of just that record.

What you see here is a list of policies and rules on nodes, in the range that you selected with the filters in the previous screen. If a policy or node is not compliant, it is also followed by an explanation of why it failed. This can be expanded by switching the detail level. All shows everything, while None only shows the minimum amount of information.

You can download a csv file that contains these results. The refresh button refreshes the page, and the close button closes the page.


You can also request reports through the netYCE API. For more information, see the Cmpl API Reference.

menu/cmpl/reports.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 12:31 by