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System Events

Note: The “System Event” notifications and signalling is available from version 7.2.0 and onwards.

Visible notifications

The NetYCE server (or system) is self-monitoring on several process statuses. These processes are traditionally logged in a large number of log files available to the system manager.

However, in selected circumstances the system users need to be informed of impacted reliability or performance issues. And active external notification of these process statuses will greatly improve the manageability of the various NetYCE systems by allowing centralized incident monitoring.

To support user notifications the System-events function has been incorporated into the NetYCE front-end. Notifications are presented as header-bars at the top of the main (browser) windows and are visible while the reported status is valid. For each monitored function one line in the header can be displayed in a colour representing the severity of the incident.

Uses can choose to close each of the notifications by selecting the [X] of that notification bar. They will be re-displayed when the event is re-triggered or the browser page is reloaded. Logging in always re-displays the active notifications.

These visible notifications come and co as they are needed. When none are shown, no incidents are in effect or were cleared. Most aspects of the System Events are customizable.

External notifications

For each event external signalling can be configured. The available notifications are 'syslog', 'snmp-trap', 'email', 'rest-api', or none at all. The setup allows for a combination of all four options.

The remote signalling includes all events, from the initial incident and the intermediate updates to the final clearing of the event. Events can be configured to signal only once or to repeat after some period should the incident still be active.

Event monitoring

The System Events the monitored process statuses are:

  • Database connection
  • Database replication (if applicable)
  • Debug status
  • Licensing statuses (under development)

Other system related monitoring will be added in future releases. These should include CPU, Memory, and Filesystem utilization thresholds as well as Daemon process restarts and Database maintenance events.

System-events configuration

Event signalling

Clearing System events

Main article Clearing System events

Scheduling jobs through events

guides/reference/system_events.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 12:31 by