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Please refer to Settings tweaks page for details on each Tweak variable

The NetYCE GUI makes a distinction between “General settings” and “Compliance settings”. The distinction is just their scope and the database these settings are stored in. The backups and compliance settings are stored and maintained separate from all other settings.

This is the result of using a dedicated database for the backup configurations and all compliance data. The settings that control the backup and compliance operation are stored in the same NCCM database. And, when restoring a “Backups archive”, these settings are restored along with the data, policies and reports.

The “General settings” apply to everything but the backups and compliance.

This article describes ALL the settings and their use, regardless of their scope. Each description will clarify to which scope it applies the GUI page to set it.

The various settings are grouped by type.

ClassTypeScopeVariableDescriptionSample num-valueSample str-value
TweaksarchivesGeneralArchive_count_nccmMaximum number of archives to maintain for NCCMdb archives. Default is 1515
TweaksarchivesGeneralArchive_count_yceMaximum number of archives to maintain for YCEdb archives. Default is 1515
Tweakscustom reportsGeneralAllowCustomReportsDecryptCustom reports will decrypt passwords only for those user-levels present in String (eg: '456') 456
Tweakscustom reportsGeneralEmail_report_body_limitEmailed custom reports are truncated to “Numeric value” lines. Use “0” for none. Attached CSV file is never truncated5
TweaksevpnGeneralEvpn_coresA '|'-separated list of EVPN cores to choose from in the Evpn form asd-cr01|asd-cr002
TweaksevpnGeneralShow_EvpnIf set to 1, evpn details get shown0
TweaksguiGeneralAllowTemplateEditWhen number set <>0, editing of production template revision is allowed1
TweaksguiGeneralAllow_custom_device_typesWhen set to 1, users are allowed to add custom device types for the OS repository. When set to 0, they can only use values that already exist0
TweaksguiGeneralChange_hostnameWhen <> 0, a Hostname change is not restricted to its node-type function0
TweaksguiGeneralDefault_site_statusNum_value defines the initial site status (1=active, 2=planned, 0=obsolete, ..)2
TweaksguiGeneralFilter_cmdb_nodesMain Node grid will filter (hide) CMDB nodes when Num_val > 01
TweaksguiGeneralLanding_pageSpecifies the default landing page for the frontend: 'yce' or 'cmdb'. yce
TweaksguiGeneralLogin_legal_messageYou can set the num value of this tweak to 1 to display a legal message on the bottom of the login page. <br>It supports <b>html</b> tags.0
TweaksguiGeneralMain_substring_searchMain Search will treat non-wildcard values as substring searches when Num_val > 01
Tweaksgui spcGeneralShow_newsite_bkcodeList of Client_types for which the “BK-code” option will be shown (comma separated)1RN
Tweaksgui spcGeneralShow_newsite_rn2subnetList of Client_types for which the “RN2 subnet” option will be shown (comma separated)0RN
TweaksipsecGeneralIpsec_delete_fullDelete GRE tunnels alongside IPsec tunnels1
TweaksipsecGeneralIpsec_first_freeThe Site_id for a new IPsec tunnel1
TweaksjobsGeneralCommit_pending_policyWhen Num_value set to 1, commit based vendors will issue commit commands during command jobs: in case this is not desired set the Num_value to 01
TweaksjobsGeneralSched_ignore_locksScheduler will not wait for jobs running on same node when Num_value > 00-
TweaksjobsGeneralSend_email_toSet to 'user', 'group' or 'both'. When set to 'user' and user-email is blank, use group-email0Both
TweaksjobsGeneralUse_hpc7_mgmt_vrfComware7 management VRF workaround1DC_CE
TweakslogsGeneralAge_action_logsdo not keep Action_log entries older than Num_value days. Default = 400365-
TweakslogsGeneralAge_config_logsdo not keep Config_log entries older than Num_value days. Default = 100365-
TweakslogsGeneralAge_custom_reportsdo not keep Custom reports older than Num_value days. Default = 3030-
TweakslogsGeneralAge_nccm_datado not keep NCCM entries older than Num_value days. Default = 800800-
TweakslogsGeneralAge_node_logsdo not keep Node_log entries older than Num_value days. Default = 400365-
TweakslogsGeneralAge_result_filesdo not keep Job log files older than Num_value days. Default = 3030-
TweakslogsGeneralAge_task_logsdo not keep Task_log entries older than Num_value days. Default = 100365-
TweakslogsGeneralAge_temp_filesdo not keep temp files older than Num_value days. Default = 1515-
TweakslogsGeneralExport_action_logsWhen number set to 1, the Action_logs (users) will be exported to log files1-
TweakslogsGeneralExport_config_logsWhen number set to 1, the Config_logs (jobs) will be exported to log files1-
TweakslogsGeneralExport_task_logsWhen number set to 1, the Task_logs (api) will be exported to log files1-
Tweaksnms spcGeneralSolarWinds_decomm_periodSolarWinds delayed delete period in days7-
Tweaksservice-typesGeneralKeep_unresolved_st_variablesService_type variables that cannot be resolved will be not be set to blank values when Num <> 00-
Tweaksservice-typesGeneralRemove_deleted_supernetsSupernets (v4/v6) will be deleted when number set <>0, rather than set 'free' for reuse or reservations. Deletes ALL currently 'free'0-
Tweaksservice-typesGeneralServiceDeleteCheckTopoWhen <> 0, the Delete Service will abort if topology exists to outside this service0-
TweaksdebugGeneralDebug_max_daysMaximum age in days before ending any NetYCE debug mode. Default = 1 day (24h), Forever = 01-
TweakstemplatesGeneralTemplate_markersWhen Num_value equals 1 - print 'start' template; when 2 - also include 'done'; when 3 - also include 'resume'3<current_template> <current_vendor> <client_type>
TweakstopologyGeneralAllow_topo_multipointFor Client_type in <String>, permit Service_type to add many topo links on a port when <Num> not 01FP
TweaksaccountsGeneralLdap_idle_account_ageWhen Num value > 0, idle LDAP accounts will be removed if the last-login date exceeds this many days. Default is 0, skipping idle aging0-
TweakscmplComplianceCmpl_batch_sizeMaximum number of nodes the compliance process will pick up at once. Default = 10001000-
TweakscmplComplianceCmpl_censor_configShould compliance be run on censored (1), or uncensored (0) configs?0
TweakscmplComplianceCmpl_cmd_rule_updateFlag to signify a cmpl command rule check0
TweakscmplComplianceCmpl_default_report_typeThe default report type for report templates (0-3)1
TweakscmplComplianceCmpl_policy_schedule_updateFlag to signify a cmpl policy schedule check without a config change0
TweakscmplComplianceCmpl_policy_updateFlag to signify a cmpl policy check without a config change0
TweakscmplComplianceDefault_signal_triggerDefault signal trigger: Non-compliant to Compliant0NC2C
TweakscmplComplianceDefault_signal_triggerDefault signal trigger: Non-compliant to Non-compliant0NC2NC
TweakscmplComplianceDefault_signal_triggerDefault signal trigger: Compliant to Compliant0C2C
TweakscmplComplianceDefault_signal_triggerDefault signal trigger: Compliant to Non-compliant1C2NC
TweakscmplComplianceDefault_signal_typeDefault signal type1Trap
TweaksnccmComplianceDelete_polling_groupWhenever you delete a polling group, 0: delete all its nodes from Nccm_selection or 1: delete only nodes that do not belong to a polling group anymore1
TweaksnccmComplianceNccm_batch_sizeMaximum number of nodes the backup poller process will pick up at once. Default = 200200-
TweaksnccmComplianceNccm_max_ageMaximum age in days of a base-configuration. Set the Num_value. Default = 77-
TweaksnccmComplianceNccm_max_diffsMaximum number of stored config-diffs before a new base-config is created. Set Num_value. Default = 3636-
TweaksnccmComplianceNccm_max_diff_sizeMaximum size in bytes of a config-diff before a new base-config is created. Set Num_value. Default = 81928192-
TweaksnccmComplianceNccm_node_limitMaximum number of nodes that will be polled for backups each cycle. Set Num_value. Default = 30003000-
TweaksnccmComplianceNccm_statsSet to 1 to collect statistics (in the file logs/yce_nccmd_stats.log) for the nccm daemon0
TweaksnccmComplianceNccm_truncate_lengthWhen viewing a config in the NCCM the config is truncated at a default of 2000 lines2000-
TweaksnccmCompliancePolling_interval_translationsTranslations for polling intervals for polling groups, from hours to readable strings. Num_value is the default241,1h|2,2h|4,4h|8,8h| 12,12h|24,1d|48,2d| 120,5d|168,1w| 336,2w|504,3w|672,4w
TweakscmplComplianceCmpl_max_childrenCompliance max children3*
TweakscmplComplianceDefault_cmpl_rule_severityDefault severity for compliance rules (Medium)1
TweaksnccmComplianceNccm_max_childrenNccm deamon max children alive at the same time3*
TweaksnccmComplianceNccm_poll_intervalNccm deamon poll cycle length300*

guides/reference/settings.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 12:31 by