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View reports

The 'View custom reports' tool allows the user to view and download any created custom report. The tool is available for “Browser” users (user level 1) and higher.

The tool opens with a list of all currently available report results in alphabetical order along with its creation timestamp and number of data rows.

A the front of the row is a radio button to select the (one) report to view and at the end a checkbox to include the report in the 'delete' action.

When “View report” is clicked the report results are retrieved from the database and converted to a table format. For very large reports the results are truncated at 5000 rows to prevent overloading the browser and prevent long upload times. A message is included at the bottom should the view have been truncated.


The link following the report allows the user to download the full results in CSV (comma-separated-values) format. The default separator is a comma. This downloaded csv file will not be truncated and uses the report name with the extension “.csv” as filename.

Download using URL

Created reports can be downloaded using the link at the top of the report view, but also using a web-address. By pointing the browser to this URL the report can be fetched directly from the server:


The csv download files are by default created using Unix newlines. To retrieve the csv file using the Dos carriage-return/newline append &type=dos to the url.

The report name in the URL is not case sensitive and any extension provided will be ignored. If spaces are used in the report name, make sure those are substituted with %20.

To retrieve 'dated' report results, include the desired date in the report name as is shown in the reports overview. However, if the date part of the name is omitted, and the report name without the date suffix does not exist, the LATEST of the dated reports of that name is returned. The filename will include the selected date suffix.

Some examples:

-- fetch the 'Domains' report
-- same thing

-- a dated report requested in Dos format

-- will return the latest dated result report of 'Action_logs_by_date' (in dos)

-- spaces must be replaced

Download using API

Generated reports can also be retrieved using the NetYCE XCH API. Two API calls are available: fetch_report and run_report. Both retrieve the requested report name in XML format but where the first retrieves an earlier retrieved report, the latte will first generate it before returning its results.

Details on these API calls can be found in YCE Exchange gateway and API

menu/reports/view_reports.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 12:31 by