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Database archives

NetYCE automatically backups your database on a daily basis, in the admin menu under the “System” option at the “YCE archives” tab your available database sets will be shown. The last 15 backups will be stored.

There is a separate backup tool for the NCCM database, since this can grow to very large databases that can cause unnecessarily long waiting times.

Restore backup

To restore a backup, select the backup in question and click the “Restore backup” button. If the license key of the backup isn't the same as the current system, you'll be requested to provide it.

You'll now have a change to create a rollback backup as well. (this is equal to a manual backup without providing a manual name)

A popup window will ask you to confirm the requested action.

When confirmed the following progress screen will be shown, updated by each step taken.

When using replicating databases, the other database will automatically be synced.

Delete backup

To delete a backup, select the archive in question and click [Delete backup], then confirm.

Create backup

It is possible to create a manual backup. This is done by using the [Create backup] button. A description can be set and the [Start archive] button must be clicked. Confirmation must be given.

Upload archive

In order to move a database from 1 NetYCE system to another, it is possible to upload a database backup from another system. If the license key is different, you will need to provide it. First select the backup file and then click the [Upload Archive] button.

When the backup has been uploaded, this backup can be used to restore by selecting the database restore option.

Manual Restore

A Manual database restore procedure is available should the situation demand it. It should be used strictly by an experienced system administrator.

This option will be deprecated with version 8.2.2.

menu/admin/system/db.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 12:31 by