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Shared files

The File-transfer related directories are used to store configuration files.

When you execute a configuration job on node, the running configuration will be saved first and uploaded to the File-transfer /previous directory with the nodename in question as filename for backup purposes,

The /users directory can be used to create a personal subdirectory within to store your own configurations manually.

Firmware files used for OS upgrades are stored in the /os directory and are organized using a vendor-based directory tree. This these files are managed by the OS-repository which has its own front-end tools,

Uploading a file

To upload a file click the “Choose File” button in the desired directory and select the file in question and click the “Upload” button.

The uploaded file's details

Deleting a file

To delete a file check the checkbox next to it and click the “Delete” button, after confirming the “Are you sure to delete all selected files?” prompt the file will be deleted.

http directory

The http directory is a special case, files in this directory can be accessed without authentication. Be aware that you should not put any sensitive data in this directory for this reason.

menu/admin/shared_files/tftp_files.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 12:31 by