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NetYCE 6.3.0

New features

  • Modeling can be exported and imported between systems.
    In each case the relevant dependencies are included in the ex/import. This feature uses xml-formatted files. See Exporting and Importing models. The ex/import option exists for:
    • Service types/tasks
    • Node types
    • Domains
    • Regions
    • Relations
    • Scenarios
  • 'Palo Alto' vendor module was added
  • 'Task log' form. This new set of forms show all historical NetYCE API transactions in detail. See the Wiki article Task Logs
  • Edit Configs form. This new form allows the modelers and managers to access an modify many of the NetYCE systems configuration files. Part of the functionality of this method is its revision history and the ability to update remote or distributed NetYCE systems with the same changes. See the Wiki article on Edit Configs
  • Redeveloped IPAM/DHCP update tool. This tool now support per-supernet selection and update, shared supernets, scheduled execution and execution logs. See the Wiki article IPAM / DHCP update
  • Infoblox Extended-Attributes support. The IPAM/DHCP and DNS can now be configured including the extended-attributes defined by the customer. An extensive ext-attr mapping configuration allows for fully automatic provisioning of these attributes. See Wiki article Infoblox Extended Attributes mapping


  • The httpd daemon can now be configured to run completely with the permissions of the 'yce' functional user. This option is highly desirable to simplify the maintenance of the SElinux security features.
  • The service-types module has been re-developed to:
    • integrate completely with the NetYCE API to support external variables and custom variables,
    • do more robust syntax checking (two-pass)
    • allow service-type chaining (include service-tasks)
  • The Logs can be double-clicked to show the full content of the log message.
  • All editing of Form values are now logged with full details and diffs
  • Extended support of eVPN profiles and extra attributes.
  • The Microsoft Internet Explorer browser version 11 (IE11) is now fully supported by dynamically enabling the EDGE renderer. Older versions of IE are denied access.
  • The use of the “Apply” button is now consistent across all forms.
  • Added the option to delete multiple subnets from a topology (didn't have multiselect)
  • Additional options to delete a subnet from a device and its topology
  • Support of (tftp) file transfers to (IRF) stacked HP devices.
  • Client highlighting when selecting a Site after a Search resulting in multiple clients.
  • “Subnet full” function reworked.
  • NetYCE API user authentication supports cleartext and encrypted passwords as well as the original hashed passwords.
  • NMS systems directory pages reworked to maintain various environments (ota, production, ..) to simplify administration and allow database synchronization between these environments.
  • Customization 'tweaks'. Some migration and historical options are now keyed to 'tweak' options so the customer can directly control their availability.


  • Redefined the supported interface types of the various vendor modules
  • Corrected several issues with the definition and use of the SiteCode formats
  • The scheduler would fail under high load - issuing hundreds of jobs while immediately executing these jobs. This problem has been addressed.
  • Added additional error messages for HP devices to detect.
  • Included the job 'auditor'/'approver' name in the job logs.
  • Job id now auto expands beyond 4 digits to allow for more than 10.000 jobs per day.
  • 10G and 40G ports have more options for Port_mode (Auto, Full, Half)
  • The XML API could generate XML code that uses invalid tags, preventing the XML to be parsed by external (or NetYCE internal) products. An automatic TagProtection using prefixes resolved the issue.
  • Data table corruption was traced back to an external tool from the database vendor that is ironically used to check for corruptions. Using internal tools resolved the issue.

Note: Work is in progress to support IPv6 throughout the application.
This major update will be released as NetYCE version 7.0. The same release will introduce the re-developed vendor modules, extended capabilities in interacting with the network devices for which the Scenarios were re-developed, and a re-developed and extended service-types library. This version also introduces a new set of technologies in our front-end.
maintenance/releases/historical/releasenotes_630.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 12:31 by