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Importing the evaluation NetYCE appliance

In the following example I will show how to import and setup the evaluation NetYCE appliance in a virtual machine (which we will refer to as VM). The virtualization product used is Virtualbox, you can use any virtualization product which supports the .ova file format.

From the File menu, select “Import Appliance” and click the “Choose” button to select the .ova file to be imported

A summary of the suggested settings of the virtual machine will be displayed, click the “Import” button to start the importing process.

Before the actual import will start you'll have to agree to the following software license agreement:

After the import is completed, review the network settings of Virtualbox and your VM:

in this example we are going to configure a setup with two network interfaces: one for accessing the NetYCE application and one facing the network with nodes you manage.

The first network interface will be used to access the appliance using the webinterface, check your host-only networks in Virtualbox by clicking “File” in the menu and selecting the “Preferences” option, then click the “Network” option:

double-click the “vboxnet0” entry to review the details of this virtual network interface, in this example the address of the vboxnet0 interface is

The DHCP server settings for virtual interfaces that connect to vboxnet0:

Select the genesis VM and click “Settings” and select the “Network” option in the next screen to review the VM network configuration, please make sure Adapter 1 is attached to a “Host-only Adapter” with the name “vboxnet0”:

I chose to bridge the second adapter to my wireless network interface, my test network connects through this interface.

Select the genesis VM and click the start button to boot it.

When the VM starts for the first time it will start a networking setup script, press <enter> within 5 seconds to enter setup. (You can setup the networking at any time by logging in as user root and pressing <enter> within 5 seconds)

1. Set the passwords for the 'root' and 'yce' user.

2. In this example we will use the proposed hostname '' by pressing <enter> at the “Is this full name correct? [Y]” prompt:

3. Choose to update networking by pressing <enter>.

4. Enter 'dhcp' when the scripts prompts for the configuration of eth0 so it will receive an ip address from the DHCP server of vboxnet0.

5. confirm the “eth0: is this correct? [Y]” prompt by pressing <enter>.

The eth1 interface is next,

6. The prompt recommends dhcp and we press <enter> to confirm this option.

7. The prompt proposes using Google's public DNS server ( as the primary DNS, press <enter> to confirm this and <enter> again to skip setting an address for the secondary DNS whereupon a summary of the interface will be shown.

8. Confirm these settings by pressing <enter>.

9. eth1 will be the default gateway interface, eth0 will be used as YCE application interface, press <enter> to save the configuration.

10. To apply the new network interface configuration press <enter> when prompted if you want to restart the network service.

As you can see my eth0 interface received the address from the DHCP server running on the vboxnet0 interface, and my eth1 interface received the address from my router through the bridged wlan adapter.

11. The next question is about using ntpupdate, in this case I answer “Y” whereupon the prompt proposes an NTP server address which I confirm with pressing <enter>

The needed config files will be created, and you will return to the commandline, To run this setup you can either login as root and press <enter> within 5 seconds or run the setup script located at /opt/yce/system/

Now the appliance is up and running, the web interface can be reached using the ip address of the eth0 interface, in this example I've set up to point to in /etc/hosts.

Login to the appliance with username “NetYCE” and password “NetYCE01”

maintenance/general/import_appliance.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 12:31 by