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Verify if tacacs is configured

TACACS+ is a security application that provides centralized validation of users attempting to gain access to a router or network access server. Below example helps in validating tacacs configuration using NetYCE Compliance module

Example config

campus01-b02-access01 and campus01-b02-access02 are the two reference devices which we are using for this example. One has tacacs configuration and other does not.



How its done

Below are the steps to create new policy. Operate → Compliance → Policies → New→

Click on the Node Group to select the relevant group of devices to add. Node group named “building2_access” holds the nodes of both the nodes:

Rule → New

Report/test results:

Below is how to create reports to see the results of the compliance policies.

Operate → Compliance → Reports → New → Report Name “test” → Report type “Policies” → Policy Name “Sample5 : TACACS Configuration” → Show Report

This was a simple example to understand how to implement compliance policy to verify tacacs configuration.

guides/user/compliance/examples/tacacs.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 12:31 by