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Database auth matrix

Permissions for forms and fields in NetYCE can be manually changed through the database, using the Auth_matrix table.

Table description

Gid Group id, corresponds to the form's name
Oid Object id, corresponds to the object's (either a form or a field) name
Oid_type The object's type, either a form or a field
Role_0 Permissions for disabled users
Role_1 Permissions for browser users
Role_2 Permissions for operator users
Role_3 Permissions for engineer users
Role_4 Permissions for modeler users
Role_5 Permissions for manager users
Role_6 Permissions for admin users
Role_7 Permissions for a wildcard user group not currently in use
Notes Any notes for this permission
Timestamp The last time this permission was updated


Permissions can be for either a form or a field. Permissions are denoted with numbers for each permission group.

The permission syntax for forms:

1 Form enabled
2 Form disabled: you can access it, view data, but cannot edit or save anything
3 Form hidden: it can not be viewed or accessed
4 Form enabled, only if the user has permissions for the particular client type of the currently selected client
5 Form disabled, only if the user has permissions for the particular client type of the currently selected client. The user is still not able to edit or save anything.

The permission syntax for fields:

1 Field enabled
2 Field disabled: you can view it, but cannot edit it
3 Field hidden
4 Field enabled, only if the user has permissions for the particular client type of the currently selected client
5 Field disabled, only if the user has permissions for the particular client type of the currently selected client.
6 Password field: The field is visible, but readonly, and the user only sees asterisks instead of actual characters
guides/reference/permissions/database_auth_matrix.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 12:31 by