NetYCE Open Source license status
September 2014
NetYCE uses the following components in its distribution. All are Open source.
- Apache (2.2.15 for x86_64)
- MariaDB (10.0.12 for x86_64)
- Perl (5.14.2 for x86_64)
under Artistic License version 2.0 -
- including about 75 Open source Perl CPAN modules
under GPL or Artistic license -
The NetYCE software uses several frameworks that also include Open source licenses:
- JQuery
under MIT license -
- Infovis
under MIT license -
- Mojolicious
under Artistic License version 2.0 -
- AngularJS
under MIT license -
The Apache and MariaDB installations use the public installation distributions for RHEL (see below). The Perl package is part of the NetYCE distribution. It is pre-compiled and optimized, complete with all CPAN modules and dependencies. It does not replace any system Perl installations.
Support for ‘MySQL’ versions 5.5 and 5.6 is available, but will not be distributed by NetYCE. Oracle requires for the redistribution of MySQL a licensed copy. If the customer prefers MySQL over MariaDB, he must download and install copy himself. MariaDB is an Open Source branch of MySQL 5.5 that has proven more stable and supporting more distributed architectures than the Oracle MySQL version 5.6.
The NetYCE software requires the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system for x86 architectures. Supported are the 64-bit versions (x86_64) of RHEL 5.x and 6.x. The recently released RHEL 7 is not yet supported due to unfinished testing. RHEL releases are available with commercial support from Red Hat or without support from CentOS.
NetYCE products can be installed on customer-hardened RHEL systems, either using physical hardware or virtual. In this case the security monitoring and updates are the responsibility of the customer, although NetYCE needs to notified of the perceived vulnerability and planned update.
Alternatively, the NetYCE software can be distributed pre installed as a virtual appliance using CentOS RHEL 6.5. The OVA image is designed to work with the hypervisors: VMware ESX, Oracle VirtualBox, VMware Workstation, VMware Fusion, Parallels Desktop.