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Node backups

Backups are part of the NetYCE lifecycle. As per the state machine, before and after a configuration change a backup is created.

Also the NCCM can be used to create backups regularly.

The protocol used to send the backups for modeled nodes can be changed in the hardware section.

This page describe several items for manipulating backup behavior.

Disabling backups

In some cases, like a testlab or until connectivity has been arranged, it is desired to turn off backups for command jobs.

This behavior is changed per vendor and per command and state.

Modify the state_actions table under Admin > Custom data > State_actions

The example below shows that backups have been disabled for:

  • Vendor_type: Cisco_IOS
  • Command: cmd_exec
  • State: preconfig and postconfig
  • Action: backup
  • Disabled: set to '1'
NOTE: user/group level 'system' is required to modify these entries.

Disable tftpd

The following steps will disable the tftp daemon.

NOTE: This disables feature like ZTP (Zero touch provisioning) and backups for vendors that only support tftp.

The use of tftp as a file-transfer protocol can be disabled in NetYCE using the global configuration file /opt/yce/etc/yce_setup.xml

Locate the line “<daemons>” and change the setting for yce_tftpd to “disable”. Ensure the vsftpd daemon is enabled. This controls the ftp server. (use the yce user to do so.)

The result is similar to below:

    <configs crontab="update" httpd="update" mojo="update" mysql="update" network="update" />
    <daemons  vsftpd="enable" yce_ibd="disable" yce_nccmd="enable" yce_tftpd="disable" />
  <yce ...
Note that disabling tftp server will only prevent tftp transfers, it does not control which transfers protocols will be attempted. The Vendor-specific and Hardware specific (see step 3) settings will define this behavior.

As yce unix user run -r to regenerate config files for above config to be effective and restart daemons. At this point the tftp server will no longer be available.

For each vendor_type and model you may choose to use a different transfer protocol, if it was set to tftp or the default behavior was using tftp. You may see the defaults in the supported hardware table.

Navigate to Design > Hardware

guides/reference/nodebackups.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 12:31 by