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maintenance:downloads:system_updates:system_updates [2024/06/17 13:29] pgelsmaintenance:downloads:system_updates:system_updates [2024/07/03 12:31] (current) – external edit
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 +====== Download Releases, Licenses, Databases ======
 +{{  :download.png?nolink&80  }}
 +===== Update images =====
 +<WRAP indent>
 +The [[maintenance:downloads:system_updates:patch_install|release installation guide]] will help you update your system.
 +The YCE distribution images can be downloaded below:
 +^  <color green>Current 8.x releases</color>  ^^^^
 +^ download link ^ md5 checksum ^ type of release ^ release notes ^
 +| {{:downloads:yce_8.1.0_20220920.bin|}} <WRAP indent>See release notes - If previous prelim release \\ was installed, corrective action is required</WRAP>| 2262e8d6a6d91b97f89fa9263aa02c3b | General release | [[maintenance:releases:8.1.0_20220920|NetYCE 8.1.0 Build 20220920]] |
 +| {{:maintenance:downloads:system_updates:yce_8.2.0_20230215.bin |}} | 4c958580dc3ecdfacd346f966a588ea0 | General release | [[maintenance:releases:8.2.0_20230214|NetYCE 8.2.0 Build 20230214]] |
 +| {{:maintenance:downloads:system_updates:yce_8.2.1_20230516.bin |}} | f7db76586c6e81c4fcc5a4cc6d026c6a | General release | [[maintenance:releases:8.2.1_20230516|NetYCE 8.2.1 Build 20230516]] |
 +| {{:maintenance:downloads:system_updates:YCE_8.2.1_20240617.bin|}} | 16e0b5590d3ba0ccaf9b284f15e0f887 | Prelim release | [[maintenance:releases:active_build|NetYCE 8.2.1 Active_build]] |
 +> **Version 8.x**, make sure you install [[maintenance:general:syslog-ng_install|Syslog-NG]]. For more information on what it is for: [[guides:user:nccm:syslog|NCCM Syslog]].
 +> NetYCE installation images come in two forms, as a "**General release**" or as a "**Preliminary build**". Only the general releases are intended for production usage since they have been more fully tested. Please consult the [[maintenance:releases:releases_brances|NetYCE development branches and releases]] page for an explanation of the distinctions.
 +The installation images can be installed using the YCE front-end as outlined below. These images can be used for upgrading dot-releases (e.g: 8.0 → 8.1) and for updating patchlevels (e.g: 8.0.0_20220101 → 8.0.0_20220501)
 +These images contain the full NetYCE distribution set. Incremental installations are not required. Please note that these distribution images rely on YCEperl support packages that on occasion (normally at major releases) must be upgraded **prior** to the update image. The recent YCEperl revisions are OS-version specific. See below at [[maintenance:downloads:system_updates:system_updates#yceperl|YCEperl]]
 +Major version upgrades will have an installation guide published here and a NetYCE license file update. 
 +===== YCEperl =====
 +<WRAP indent>
 +The YCE perl support package that contains all libraries and external modules that the NetYCE distribution set relies on. These can be downloaded here as well, and are usually installed from the Linux command line, but can be uploaded and installed using the GUI.
 +Updating is ONLY required when upgrading a major-release (7.x → 8.x) or a dot-release (8.0 → 8.1) or feature updates if indicated.
 +> Although the CentOS/RedHat 6 support will be discontinued as of November 30th, 2021, some customers may wish to continue to run using these systems for a while longer.  \\ 
 +\\ As our latest developments rely on CentOS/RedHat 7, and is supported using our YCEperl-7.2.2 package, the newer NetYCE releases will not function properly in all areas on CentOS 6.10 using YCEperl-7.0.2. Especially the REST API's and the forthcoming front-end updates will require an update.  \\ 
 +To this end we created YCEperl-7.0.3 that can only be installed on CentOS/RedHat 6.10 systems and supersedes the YCEperl-7.0.2.  \\ 
 +Note that CentOS/RedHat 7.x systems **must** use the YCEperl-7.2.2 or later support package as it can only be installed in those environments.
 +^Yceperl ^ Version ^ CentOS / RedHat ^ md5 checksum ^
 +|{{:downloads:yceperl_7.0.2.bin}} |  7.0.2  |  6.x, 7.x  | e4861836c605c2cd1b69f641b7952922 | 
 +|{{:downloads:yceperl_7.0.3.bin}} |  7.0.3  |  6.10  | 093b939da0b6c448879e0d3cb2a675e4 | 
 +|{{:downloads:yceperl_7.2.2.bin}} |  7.2.2  |  7.x  | 2b049e3171cc709cc1a2a8efc7864ec9 | 
 +|{{:downloads:yceperl_8.0.0.bin}} |  8.0.0  |  7.x  | bd42427ef8b96ba526c7aa5749e103ef | 
 +|{{:downloads:yceperl_8.1.0.bin}} |  8.1.0  |  7.x  | d8fb50993b5954fdb9db909726c68cfa | 
 +Installation of the YCE perl distribution requires the file to be uploaded to the YCE server using the 'yce' functional user. Then, login as 'yce' and execute ''sh yceperl_8.1.0.bin''. Installing the YCEperl package using the GUI is supported. Use the 'Admin -> System -> System status" tool and check the "full report" option. Scroll down to the same "Install YCE distribution" button as regular updates. Select the file to upload and click the Install button. The YCEperl version must be updated on all NetYCE systems individually. 
 +__Note 1__: The YCE perl update must be installed BEFORE upgrading to a higher YCE dot-release. \\
 +__Note 2__: YCEperl 8.0.0 is already bundled in the CentOS-7 based downloadable "Genesis" OVA. \\
 +===== Licenses =====
 +<WRAP indent>
 +The new license can be downloaded from the table below. The [[maintenance:downloads:system_updates:license_install|installation instructions]] will help you install the license from the GUI or using the CLI.
 +The Genesis (Free) license is used by the free netYCE version. 
 +^License ^ Valid till ^ Version mask ^
 +|{{ :downloads:system_updates:genesis_license_v7.txt | Genesis (Free) License v7 }} | 20300131 | 7.x.x |
 +|{{ :downloads:system_updates:genesis_license_v8.txt | Genesis (Free) License v8 }} | 20300501 | 8.x.x |
 +===== Genesis database and ini files =====
 +<WRAP indent>
 +If you had already downloaded the genesis OVA in the past, you may choose to just update the database and possibly updated ini files. 
 +It is required that the patch level is higher than the database that is being loaded. If you have this warning, please make sure you have patched your system.
 +Upload and restore the database in ''Admin > System > DB archives''.
 +> Your current information in the database will be overwritten, not merged.
 +^Database ^ Release date ^ Minimal required patchlevel ^
 +|{{ :maintenance:downloads:system_updates:ycedb_genesis_20191219_1134.arch | YCEdb_genesis_20191219_1134.arch}} | 20191219_1134 | 20191218 |
 +|{{:maintenance:downloads:system_updates:ycedb_genesis_20201116_0952.arch | YCEdb_genesis_20201116_0952.arch}} | 20201116_0952 | 20201026 |
 +|{{:maintenance:general:mysql_10.3.tgz | First install MariaDB-10.3 database}} | march 2021 | 20210401 |
 +|{{:maintenance:general:genesis_10.6.tgz | First install MariaDB-10.6 database}} | sept 2022 | 20220901 |
 +Overwrite the 'YCE CSV API' contents in ''Admin > System > Edit configs''. \\
 +Make sure to save/merge your own additions, if needed.
 +^INI file ^ Release date ^
 +|{{ :maintenance:downloads:system_updates:csv_api.ini | csv_api.ini}} | 20200415 |
maintenance/downloads/system_updates/system_updates.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 12:31 by