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Node group edit

In the node group edit form you can create and edit your node groups. Node groups are used to group nodes together in tools as the command job scheduler, relationship test, etc. The form consists out of three parts.

Node Groups

Node groups contains all node groups defined in netYCE. A node group has a number of attributes:

The form has a number of buttons. This is their function:

Node Group Rules

Node group rules are collections of criteria on which you can group nodes together. There are two types of rules: include and exclude. The include rules create a collection of nodes that validate all of their conditions, and the exclude rules remove nodes from this collection that validate any of their conditions.

The form has a number of buttons. This is their function:

Node Group Conditions

A Node group rule has zero or many conditions. Node group conditions define which filters to look for when grouping nodes together. Each condition looks at an attribute (which can be a client code, hostname, domain), and filters all node based on user-defined criteria. It has these attributes:

A node group condition needs to have an attribute. At the moment the form does allow this, but note that these conditions will not work when the node group is applied. Upon saving and loading the form, any condition that does not have an attribute and value (both) is removed and cleaned up.

Condition syntax

The Group_cond_value of a node group condition matches nodes based on a number of lines. A node that matches any of these lines is matched. A line can be plaintext, in which it has to be matched exactly, or can contain any special characters: