Table of Contents


Policy schedules allow you to check a policy for compliance on regular intervals. This can be once every few hours, days, specific days of the week or even the month.

At the main schedule page you will see the list of schedules that are currently in operation. A schedule with status 1 is active and enabled, a schedule with status 0 is inactive and disabled and will not be used when calculating a node's next schedule time. A schedule can be repeating, or non-repeating. A non-repeating schedule will automatically be disabled once its nodes have been scheduled. You can enable it back on again manually when you want to use the schedule again.

At this form you can create, edit and delete schedules like in most other forms in NetYCE.

Time interval

A time interval determines the next interval for this schedule. Whenever a node is scheduled, it calculates the first date in the future that matches this interval. There are four different types:

Create a schedule

A policy schedule takes one policy. You can select it in the grid. A policy can only have one schedule, so the next time you open this form, that policy won't be among the selections anymore.

In this form you can also edit the time interval, and set if the schedule should be enabled or repeating. A schedule that is not enabled will not be used in calculating the policy's next schedule time. A repeating schedule will be scheduled over and over again. A non-repeating schedule will be disabled after being scheduled.

When you submit this form and the schedule is enabled, a flag is set. The nccmd daemon will pick up this flag, and schedule all of the policy's nodes (as designated by its node groups) to the next schedule time.

Edit a schedule

Editing a schedule works the same as with creating one, only that you can't change the policy. If you want to change the policy: create a new schedule.

In this form you can edit the time interval, and set if the schedule should be enabled or repeating. A schedule that is not enabled will not be used in calculating the policy's next schedule time. A repeating schedule will be scheduled over and over again. A non-repeating schedule will be disabled after being scheduled.

When you change the time interval and the schedule is enabled, a flag is set. (Note that this only happens if you change the time interval or enable the schedule, so you won't have to worry if you simply open and close the form). The nccmd daemon will pick up this flag, and schedule all of the policy's nodes (as designated by its node groups) to the next schedule time.