{{indexmenu_n>3}} ====== Site ====== ==== Edit Site ==== By using the edit button or double clicking the Site, the Site details form will be opened. This allows you to modify the information of the Site and the custom attributes. Some special attention goes to the following: ^Parameter ^Explanation ^Extra^ |Address|The physical address of the site, without its house number.|These can be freely edited, and are automatically set if your site code is location-based.| |Nr|The house number of the site's address|These can be freely edited, and are automatically set if your site code is location-based.| |City|The city the site is located in|These can be freely edited, and are automatically set if your site code is location-based.| |State|The state or province the site is located in|These can be freely edited, and are automatically set if your site code is location-based.| |Zip code|The site's zip code|These can be freely edited, and are automatically set if your site code is location-based.| |Country|The country the site is in|A select allows you to specify this value. The options of the select can be configured in the lookup: all variables of the "Country"-class are used to populate the dropbox. Str_value denotes the country's shortcut, Num_value should be unique for every country and Str_value_b contains the human-readable value| |Site status|The status level of the site|Site status profiles can be set in the [[menu:admin:settings:settings|Lookup]] with variable 'SiteStatus' of Class 'Translation'.| |Managed LAN |the managed LAN version number|Managed LAN profiles can be set in lookup with variable 'ManagedLan' of class 'Translation'| |OSPF area|The OSPF area ID for this site|This variable is optional| |Site profile1|The site profile 1 for this site|Site profiles can be set in the lookup with variable 'Site_profile1' of class 'Profiles'| |Site profile2|The site profile 2 for this site|Site profiles can be set in the lookup with variable 'Site_profile2' of class 'Profiles'| |Migration phase|The migration phase for this site|Migration phases can be set in the lookup with variable 'MigrationPhase' of class 'Migration'| |Site notes|Notes for this site|A set of notes, either user-submitted or added by service types or migrations.| A view of the Site details: {{:menu:inventory:main:site_edit.png?nolink&800|}} A few screenshots with some examples of the lookup table: {{:menu:inventory:main:lookup_a.png?nolink&800|}} {{:menu:inventory:main:lookup_b.png?nolink&800|}} {{:menu:inventory:main:lookup_c.png?nolink&800|}} {{:menu:inventory:main:lookup_d.png?nolink&800|}} ==== Create Site ==== {{:menu:inventory:main:site_create.png?nolink&800|}} Creating a new site goes through selecting a site type and creating a site code. If you specified a name format in the site type, creating a sitecode happens in its own form. Otherwise you can just fill it in as you like. It is also possible to copy a site. Simply select the site you are interested in and its data (but not its nodes or services) will be copied to your new site. At the start of the forms only the sites of the currently selected client are shown, but you can also search for a different client. ==== Create SiteCode ==== {{:menu:inventory:main:create_sitecode.png|}} By clicking on the SiteCode button in the create site form you will be taken to the sitecode create form. A variety of options is possible here, depending on how you defined the name format in your site type. If the sitecode includes the details of a city (name, state, country or zip), you need to select one of the cities that appear in the cities grid. You can search and change pages. The city's data will automatically be transferred to the new site's data. The form will calculate the next sequence that will apply to this site. If Client_seq is specified, it specifies the next sequence for the sites in its Client type. If Site_seq is specified, it specifies the next sequence for the sites in its client. If Seq is specified, it specifies the next site for the city in its client. If fields in the name format are specified as "editable", they can be edited.