{{indexmenu_n>2}} ====== Template trace ====== The Trace Template dependencies form is used, to list all the sub- and port templates used within a main template. The form can also be used to find a keyword or string. ===== Client type filter ===== {{ menu:build:templates:trace_template_dependencies.png?nolink }} A filter can be applied for the client- and/or vendor type. Select the client- and/or vendor type from the drop down menu's and click **[Set]** to apply the filter. Only the Main templates of the selected client- and/or vendor type will be displayed. ===== Main templates ===== The Main templates will be listed in the Main templates section. By default the //Compact// checkbox will be checked. When unchecked some additional information for the used Sub/port templates will be displayed. ===== Search string ===== By entering a string or keyword in the //Search string// field, the template trace output will, in addition to the used templates, display the search string and the template in which it is used. By checking the //All lines// checkbox, all the lines within the template will also be displayed. ===== Template trace example ===== {{ menu:build:templates:trace_template_dependencies_results.png?nolink&800 }}