{{indexmenu_n>1}} ====== Users ====== From the users form the user management can be done. {{ menu:admin:users:users.png?nolink |}} ==== Add user ===== To add a user, just click the **+** and enter the user id. The user id can be changed at a later time when needed. ==== Delete user ===== By selecting the user and clicking the {{general:delete.png?nolink|}} button. Conformation will be asked before a user is actually deleted. ==== Find user ==== It's possible to search for a user by using the {{general:search.png?nolink|}} button and entering the user id. It isn't possible to search for a user by name. ===== Manage user ===== When selecting a user, the details of that user will be displayed. These variables can be set and stored by using the **[Apply]** button. === Permission levels === The permission settings will be updated as soon as the [[menu:admin:users:group_admin|group]] id is set. ==== Password management ==== The password can be set by entering the password and clicking the **[Set password]** button. The new password can also be expired by using the //Expire// checkbox. The maximum age of the password can be set in the Max age field. This value is in days. A value of 0, sets no limit.