{{indexmenu_n>5}} ====== Custom attributes ====== Custom attributes facilitate in defining format boundaries which can be used within one or more [[menu:design:node_models:node_types|node types]]. For example you can define the Snmp_sysname variable's size/format and which user role is required to edit this variable. ==== Add custom attribute group ==== Click the plus sign {{:build:plus.png|}} to add a custom attribute group, the following field will appear {{menu:admin:custom_attributes:add_parameter_group.png|}} Enter the desired name for the new custom attribute group and click the //Add// button to create it. ==== Delete custom attribute group ==== To delete a custom attribute group select the group in question and click the trashcan icon {{general:delete.png|}} a prompt will show up asking if you are sure, click the //Yes// button to delete the parameter group. ==== Duplicate custom attribute group ==== Select the custom attribute group you want to duplicate and click the 'Duplicate' button {{general:duplicate.png|}}, the following field will appear: {{menu:admin:custom_attributes:duplicate_parameter_group.png|}} Enter the desired name for the new custom attribute group and click the //Duplicate// button to create it. ===== Parameter group variables ===== ==== Add variable ==== To add a custom attribute, click the new-button, the following window will appear {{menu:admin:custom_attributes:add_parameter_group_variables.png|}} enter the desired variable name here and click the //Save// button to create it. A variable of the type CHAR with a edit level of //Operator// will be created by default {{menu:admin:custom_attributes:new_parameter_group_variables.png|}} ==== Remove attribute ==== To remove a custom attribute, select the attribute in question and click the trashcan icon {{general:delete.png|}} a prompt will show up asking if you are sure, click the //Yes// button to delete the custom attribute ==== Edit attribute ==== Select the custom attribute you want to edit and make the desired changes. After making changes to your custom attribute commit them by clicking the //Apply// button. ===== Menus ===== Most custom attribute types are quite self-explanatory: CHAR is a string of text, NUM is a number, IPv4 is an IPv4 address, etc. However the MENU type needs a bit of explanation. This is for if you want to have a dropdown of various options. {{menu:admin:custom_attributes:custom_attribute_menus.png?nolink|}} A menu doesn't have a size, but a format, which can have four possible options: Str_value, Num_value, Str_value&Num_value and Num_value&Str_value. When you select a menu custom attribute a grid with profiles appears. This grid corresponds to the Par_group_profiles table in the netYCE database. A profile consists out of a number, a string and a default. Only one profile in a par group menu can be set, and this will be the standard value whenever it's created. When you try to set a second value as default, the older default value will lose its default status. What you see in the actual frontend is based on the format: * Str_value shows a dropdown list of the string values of the profiles * Num_value shows a dropdown list of the numerical values of the profiles * Num_value&Str_value shows a dropdown list of the string values of the profiles, but saves the numerical values upon form submission. * Str_Value&Num_value shows a dropdown list of the numerical values of the profiles, but saves the string values upon form submission. Note that if the format is set to Str_value or Str_value&Num_value, it is not possible to have profiles within the same menu that have the same string value. Likewise, if the format is set to Num_value or Num_value&Str_value you can not have duplicate numerical values.