====== SSH jumphost ====== To set up a permanent jumphost for all SSH sessions from NetYCE the following is required. - Generate SSH keys on the netyce server ''ssh-keygen -b 2048'' - Copy the contents of ''.ssh/id_rsa.pub'' to the jumphost ''~/.ssh/authorized_keys'' file. Make sure it is all on one line. (you could use: ''ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub @'') - Verify you can login to the jumphost without a password ''ssh @'' - modify the /opt/yce/etc/ssh_config to include the desired pieces: - Host jumphost Hostname User your_user IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa Host # you could also do: 192.168.182.* ProxyCommand ssh jumphost -W %h:%p -F /opt/yce/etc/ssh_config - do not modify other aspects - Verify you can connect to a node. ''ssh @ -v -F /opt/yce/etc/ssh_config'' - you should see this line in the debug output: ''debug1: Executing proxy command: exec ssh -q -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa @ -W :22'' From this point on all SSH session will use the jumphost. More details on [[https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSSH/Cookbook/Proxies_and_Jump_Hosts#Old_Methods_of_Passing_Through_Jump_Hosts|ssh_config]]. Please note the version of ssh, this may have limitations. ===== Drawbacks ===== ==== NCCM ==== Without having direct return traffic from the node to NetYCE cripples the NCCM functionality. You'll have to disable the pre and post backups for the command_jobs as well. Set all disabled values to 1. {{:guides:user:disable_backups.png?direct&600|}} ==== OS upgrades ==== Since the NetYCE server isn't reachable from the node, the OS can't be retrieved for OS upgrades.