====== Install NetYCE on RHEL/Centos 7 ====== This installation guide installs NetYCE version 7.x on a Redhat 7 or Centos 7 physical or virtual x86_64 platform. References to EL or RHEL refer to RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS Linux. All OS versions and packages are required to use the x86_64 architecture, that is x86 processors running 64-bit. The installation applies to both physical and virtual platform deployments. ===== Introduction ===== The choice of operating system (Redhat or CentOS), disk filesystem layout, installed packages, and security hardening are mostly defined by the customers common practice. NetYCE does have some requirements on disk-usage and directory-trees that may warrant filesystem allocations, and we do rely on a specific functional user, yce that requires some sudo permissions. A basic set of packages should be installed which will later be amended by specific NetYCE software. The basic OS installation can easily be realized by the customer, but we recommend the NetYCE software installation and configuration to be a joint effort. During the first install of the NetYCE software packages, the configuration preferences and details of the NetYCE system and its architecture will be defined and initialized. Subsequent software upgrades and patches can be installed by the application manager using the NetYCE front-end without requiring system privileges. Only on some major upgrades will those be required. The NetYCE software installation consists of two self-installing packages, YCE and YCEperl, a sample database and a license file. The installation depends on MariaDB (mysql server), apache (http server), fping and some standard distribution packages (openssl, tftp, ftp, ssh, telnet, gtar, etc). Mysecureshell is a non standard distribution package we use for sftp jail functionality. Please check the [[maintenance:general:netyce_prerequisits|prerequisites]] before contuining. ==== System specification ==== The hardware requirements of NetYCE are moderate by itself although much depends on the intended level of use and the application architecture selected. In general we suggest to deploy two NetYCE servers in different data centers attached to Network Management (NMS) networks. These systems will provide both front-end (user and network facing) functions AND a database function. These functions can be configured to provide live failover and backup services by means of master-master replication. The front-end functions support 10-20 simultaneous users and can execute several thousand config changes per hour. For such deployments a physical or virtual x86 server needs to have at least two CPU cores and 4 GB of memory, but 4 cores and 8 GB memory is recommended. Disk space can be local or SAN based and should not exceed 100 GB. This disk space is allotted to a single filesystem or split across several, depending on system management preferences. / - 4 to 15 GB (OS root, bin, usr, lib, opt, etc) /opt/yce - 500 MB /opt/nms - 500 MB /opt/ycelib - 800 MB /var/opt/yce - 3 to 8 GB (logs and working data) /var/opt/shared - 6 to 12 GB (os-files) /var/opt/mysql - 4 to 16 GB (mysql data) The provided image has an expanding virtual disk of 500G. ===== Centos ===== * root password: NetYCE01 * Group: nms, gid: 8000 * User: yce, uid: 1000, password: NetYCE01 * Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam * firewall: disabled ==== partition layout ==== * sda1: /boot, xfs, 2G, primary * sda2: lvm, 1x PV, 1x VG * swap 4G, name: swap * /, xfs, rest of disk, name: rootvol ===== After initial OS install ===== First we make sure the 'yce' user exists. Any step afterwards is to be executed by the 'yce' user, unless stated otherwise. ==== Change user/group ==== groupadd -g 8000 nms adduser -g nms -u 1000 -N -p '$6$Ou7BTBsmCa/hZ$qIbX6BATWHAL26mXR2vfqFenev8K26KMQC1YZbeq2JG27CAOHmd2WSUF1FJyLiMDTV.2WVksKxl0dZLvZtDuW/' yce passwd -i -1 yce # "Changing yce user group to nms" usermod -g nms -G '' -c "NetYCE user" yce # "Removing temporary group yce" groupdel yce adduser -M -g nms -u 1000 -d /var/opt/shared -s /bin/MySecureShell -o -N -p '$6$DepSUhWyiC6Ox$2w.jWJx7Qxd2wWkeMfhcFwGJNqC7DcJUkkw8B5Ukgey8rawN4f2gDn52nMpyAnOKzj3J1opmbu9dpdryLouq00' ycicle passwd -i -1 ycicle Log out and log in with the 'yce' user. ==== Packages ==== sudo /usr/bin/yum install -y epel-release sudo /usr/bin/yum install -y bzip2 crontabs curl dhcp dkms findutils fping ftp git httpd iproute iputils less man man-pages MariaDB-client MariaDB-server mtr mysecureshell nano net-snmp net-snmp-utils nfs-utils nfs4-acl-tools ntp ntpdate openssh-clients openssh-server openssl php postfix python2-pip python3 python3-pip rpcbind rsync sed sudo syslog-ng syslog-ng-libdbi tar telnet tftp traceroute unzip vim-enhanced vsftpd wget which yum-utils zip mod_ssl sudo /usr/bin/yum -y update sudo /usr/bin/yum clean all ==== Files ==== All files have 644 permissions and 'yce:nms' owned unless stated otherwise. This is a file, since it contains special characters. === bash_profile === /home/yce/.bash_profile\\ {{:maintenance:general:user_bash_profile.txt|.bash_profile}} === bashrc === /home/yce/.bashrc # .bashrc # User specific aliases and functions # Source global definitions if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi # Uncomment the following line if you don't like systemctl's auto-paging feature: # export SYSTEMD_PAGER= # Source alias definitions if [ -f ~/.shell_aliases ]; then . ~/.shell_aliases fi === shell_aliases === /home/yce/.shell_aliases and /root/.shell_aliases export PAGER="less" export EDITOR="vim" alias l='ls -lF' alias ll='ls -lhF' alias llt='ls -latrF' alias lr='ls -latrF' alias la='ls -ahF' alias lla='ls -lahF' alias lc='ls -CaF' alias p='ping' alias pst='ps axjf' alias t='telnet' alias n='nslookup' alias o='less' if [ -x /usr/bin/vim ]; then alias vi='vim' fi alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias gerp='grep --color=auto' alias ip='ip --color' alias ip4='ip -4 --color --brief addr | grep -v UNKNOWN' alias ip6='ip -6 --color --brief addr | grep -v UNKNOWN' === vimrc === /home/yce/.vimrc set ts=4 set sw=4 set ai set noerrorbells set formatoptions-=r === sudo === /etc/sudoers.d/yce, root:root, 600 # Yce Cmnd_Alias YCE = /opt/yce/system/init/yce_tftpd, /opt/yce/system/init/yce_netmon # Services Cmnd_Alias SERVICES = /usr/sbin/service, /usr/sbin/chkconfig, /usr/bin/systemctl # Installation and management of software Cmnd_Alias SOFTWARE = /bin/rpm, /usr/bin/up2date, /usr/bin/yum # Processes Cmnd_Alias PROCESSES = /bin/nice, /bin/kill, /usr/bin/kill, /usr/bin/killall, /usr/bin/pkill # Networking Cmnd_Alias NETWORKING = /usr/sbin/ss, /usr/sbin/ip, /bin/ping, /usr/sbin/dhclient, /usr/sbin/iptables, /usr/sbin/ifstat, /usr/sbin/ethtool # Storage # Cmnd_Alias STORAGE = /usr/sbin/fdisk, /usr/sbin/sfdisk, /usr/sbin/parted, /usr/sbin/partprobe, /usr/bin/mount, /usr/bin/umount # Delegating permissions Cmnd_Alias DELEGATING = /usr/sbin/visudo, /usr/bin/chown, /usr/bin/chmod, /usr/bin/chgrp Defaults !requiretty Defaults !visiblepw Defaults env_reset, timestamp_timeout=0 #==== YCE user group 'nms' # Below are a few examples. # For production the MINIMUM profile might be a good start. # For testing, the MAINTENANCE is regularly used. # MINIMUM - NO SUDO # No sudo: No password required for YCE applications, ALL other applications are NOT allowed # %nms ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:YCE, SERVICES # MINIMUM - WITH SUDO # Sudo: No password required for YCE applications, ALL other applications are allowed with a password. %nms ALL = PASSWD:ALL, NOPASSWD:YCE, SERVICES # MAINTENANCE # %nms ALL = PASSWD:ALL, NOPASSWD:YCE, SERVICES, PROCESSES # DEVELOPMENT # %nms ALL = PASSWD:ALL, NOPASSWD:YCE, SERVICES, PROCESSES, SOFTWARE, NETWORKING # %nms ALL = PASSWD:ALL, NOPASSWD:YCE, SERVICES, PROCESSES, SOFTWARE, NETWORKING, DELEGATING === bash_profile (root) === /root/.bash_profile # .bash_profile # # NetYCE, 2021 # # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs if [ -r "/opt/yce/system/go" ]; then source "/opt/yce/system/go" else echo "Skipping 'go'" fi PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin:/root/bin:/opt/yce/bin:/opt/yce/system export PATH export PS1='\e[32m\u@\h\e[0m \w\n# ' if [ -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ]; then alias ls='ls -N --color=tty -T 0 ' fi echo " " if [ -x "/opt/yce/system/net_setup.pl" ]; then /opt/yce/system/net_setup.pl -w else echo "ERROR: cannot start net_setup.pl" fi echo " " echo " You can setup the networking by logging in " echo " as 'root' and using" echo " /opt/yce/system/net_setup.pl" echo " " echo " YCE setup can be restarted as 'yce' user using" echo " /opt/yce/system/yce_setup.pl" echo " " === bashrc (root) === /root/.bashrc # .bashrc # User specific aliases and functions # alias rm='rm -i' # alias cp='cp -i' # alias mv='mv -i' # Source global definitions if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi # Uncomment the following line if you don't like systemctl's auto-paging feature: # export SYSTEMD_PAGER= # Source alias definitions if [ -f ~/.shell_aliases ]; then . ~/.shell_aliases fi ===== General ===== All files need to be changed with root privileges. /etc/systemd/journald.conf # or your desired value SystemMaxUse=200M /etc/environment LANG=en_US.utf-8 LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 /etc/sysconfig/ntpdate SYNC_HWCLOCK=yes /etc/sysconfig/clock ZONE="Europe/Amsterdam" UTC="yes" /etc/selinux/config SELINUX=disabled ===== Yce dirs ===== sudo mkdir -p /var/opt sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/shared sudo mkdir -p /opt sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/ sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.d/ sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/chronyd.service.d/ sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/mysql sudo mkdir -p /opt/ycelib sudo mkdir -p /opt/yce sudo mkdir -p /opt/nms sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/yce/backup sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/yce/backup/.tmp sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/yce/configs sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/yce/download sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/yce/jobs sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/yce/logs sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/yce/configs sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/yce/output sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/yce/download/users sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/yce/download/documentation sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/yce/download/.tmp sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/yce/download/client sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/yce/shared sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/shared/public/acs sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/shared/public/os sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/shared/public/previous sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/shared/public/users sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/shared/public/.tmp sudo mkdir -p /home/yce/.ssh sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/mysql sudo chown yce:nms /opt/ycelib sudo chown yce:nms /opt/yce sudo chown yce:nms /opt/nms sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/yce/backup sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/yce/backup/.tmp sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/yce/configs sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/yce/download sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/yce/jobs sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/yce/logs sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/yce/configs sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/yce/output sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/yce/download/users sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/yce/download/documentation sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/yce/download/.tmp sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/yce/download/client sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/yce/shared sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/shared/public/acs sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/shared/public/os sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/shared/public/previous sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/shared/public/users sudo chown yce:nms /var/opt/shared/public/.tmp sudo chown yce:nms /home/yce/.ssh ===== Repositories ===== Create the files with root privileges. /etc/yum.repos.d/MySecureShell.repo [MySecureShell] baseurl = http://mysecureshell.free.fr/repository/index.php/centos/6.4/ enabled = 1 gpgcheck = 0 name = MySecureShell /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo [MariaDB] baseurl = http://yum.mariadb.org/10.3/centos7-amd64 enabled = 1 gpgcheck = 1 gpgkey = https://yum.mariadb.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-MariaDB name = http://downloads.mariadb.org/mariadb/repositories/ ===== Packages ===== sudo yum install -y bzip2 crontabs curl dhcp dkms findutils file fping ftp git httpd iproute iputils less man man-pages MariaDB-client MariaDB-server mod_ssl mtr mysecureshell nano net-snmp net-snmp-utils nfs-utils nfs4-acl-tools ntp ntpdate openssh-clients openssh-server openssl php postfix python2-pip python3 python3-pip rpcbind rsync sed sudo syslog-ng syslog-ng-libdbi tar telnet tftp traceroute unzip vim-enhanced vsftpd wget which yum-utils zip sudo yum remove -y rsyslog sudo python2 -m pip install -U pip==20.3.4 pexpect sudo python3 -m pip install -U pip setuptools as yce user: python3 -m pip install -U xmltodict ncclient PyYAML pexpect pymysql netyce requests If running VMware: sudo yum install -y open-vm-tools sudo systemctl enable vmtoolsd If running HyperV: /etc/dracut.conf.d/hyperv.conf, root:root, 644 add_drivers+="hv_vmbus hv_storvsc hv_netvsc hv_utils hv_balloon hyperv-keyboard hyperv_fb hid-hyperv" sudo dracut -f ===== yce perl ===== as yce user: wget https://wiki.netyce.com/lib/exe/fetch.php/downloads:yceperl_7.0.2.bin -O /tmp/yceperl.bin chmod +x /tmp/yceperl.bin /tmp/yceperl.bin rm /tmp/yceperl.bin ===== yce license ===== mkdir /opt/yce/etc wget https://wiki.netyce.com/lib/exe/fetch.php/downloads:system_updates:genesis_license_v7.txt -O /opt/yce/etc/yce_license ===== Install NetYCE ===== Download the desired version from the [[maintenance:downloads:system_updates:system_updates|download page]]. sh $downloaded_file rm $downloaded_file ===== Service setup ===== sudo ln -s /opt/yce/system/init/mariadb.service.d-yce.conf /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/yce.conf sudo ln -s /opt/yce/system/init/httpd.service.d-yce.conf /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.d/yce.conf sudo cp /opt/yce/system/init/yce_psmon.service /etc/systemd/system/yce_psmon.service sudo chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/yce_psmon.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf, root:root, 600 # Map 'readsys' community to the 'ConfigUser' # Map 'readall' community to the 'AllUser' # sec.name source community com2sec ConfigUser default readsys com2sec AllUser default readall # Map 'ConfigUser' to 'ConfigGroup' for SNMP Version 2c # Map 'AllUser' to 'AllGroup' for SNMP Version 2c # sec.model sec.name group ConfigGroup v2c ConfigUser group AllGroup v2c AllUser # Define 'SystemView', which includes everything under . (or . # Define 'AllView', which includes everything under .1 # incl/excl subtree view SystemView included . view SystemView included . view AllView included .1 # Give 'ConfigGroup' read access to objects in the view 'SystemView' # Give 'AllGroup' read access to objects in the view 'AllView' # context model level prefix read write notify access ConfigGroup "" any noauth exact SystemView none none access AllGroup "" any noauth exact AllView none none /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf, root:root, 600 @version:3.5 @include "scl.conf" # RHEL7 syslog-ng configuration file for NetYCE. # # This should behave pretty much like the original syslog on RedHat. # See syslog-ng(8) and syslog-ng.conf(5) for more information. # # Note: it also sources additional configuration files (*.conf) # located in /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/ options { flush_lines (0); time_reopen (10); log_fifo_size (1000); chain_hostnames (off); use_dns (yes); use_fqdn (yes); create_dirs (no); keep_hostname (yes); keep-timestamp (no); }; source net { tcp(); udp(); }; source s_sys { system(); internal(); # udp(ip( port(514)); }; destination d_logs { file( "/var/opt/yce/logs/syslog-ng.log" owner("yce") group("nms") perm(0644) ); }; destination d_cons { file("/dev/console"); }; destination d_mesg { file("/var/log/messages"); }; destination d_auth { file("/var/log/secure"); }; destination d_mail { file("/var/log/maillog" flush_lines(10)); }; destination d_spol { file("/var/log/spooler"); }; destination d_boot { file("/var/log/boot.log"); }; destination d_cron { file("/var/log/cron"); }; destination d_kern { file("/var/log/kern"); }; destination d_mlal { usertty("*"); }; filter f_kernel { facility(kern); }; filter f_default { level(info..emerg) and not (facility(mail) or facility(authpriv) or facility(cron)); }; filter f_auth { facility(authpriv); }; filter f_mail { facility(mail); }; filter f_emergency { level(emerg); }; filter f_news { facility(uucp) or (facility(news) and level(crit..emerg)); }; filter f_boot { facility(local7); }; filter f_cron { facility(cron); }; log { source(net); destination(d_logs); }; log { source(s_sys); filter(f_kernel); destination(d_kern); }; #log { source(s_sys); filter(f_kernel); destination(d_cons); }; log { source(s_sys); filter(f_default); destination(d_mesg); }; log { source(s_sys); filter(f_auth); destination(d_auth); }; log { source(s_sys); filter(f_mail); destination(d_mail); }; log { source(s_sys); filter(f_emergency); destination(d_mlal); }; log { source(s_sys); filter(f_news); destination(d_spol); }; log { source(s_sys); filter(f_boot); destination(d_boot); }; log { source(s_sys); filter(f_cron); destination(d_cron); }; # Source additional configuration files (.conf extension only) @include "/etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/*.conf" /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng /var/opt/yce/logs/syslog-ng.log { missingok notifempty start 0 rotate 9 nodateext nocompress maxsize 50M daily create 0644 yce nms postrotate /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslogd.pid` >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || true /bin/kill -USR2 `cat /var/opt/yce/jobs/yce_events.pid` >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || true endscript } /etc/logrotate.d/vsftpd # # NetYCE 2020 # see /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf # /var/opt/yce/logs/ftpxfer.log /var/opt/yce/logs/vsftpd.log { missingok notifempty start 0 rotate 9 nodateext nocompress maxsize 2M daily create 0644 yce nms postrotate /usr/bin/pkill -HUP /usr/sbin/vsftpd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || true endscript } /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf # # NetYCE 2016, 2020 # anonymous_enable=NO local_enable=YES write_enable=YES local_umask=002 dirmessage_enable=YES connect_from_port_20=YES chroot_list_enable=YES listen=NO listen_ipv6=YES pam_service_name=vsftpd userlist_enable=YES tcp_wrappers=YES xferlog_enable=YES xferlog_std_format=YES dual_log_enable=YES userlist_log=YES log_ftp_protocol=YES xferlog_file=/var/opt/yce/logs/ftpxfer.log vsftpd_log_file=/var/opt/yce/logs/vsftpd.log local_root=/var/opt/shared secure_chroot_dir=/var/opt/shared chown_username=yce.nms guest_enable=NO force_dot_files=NO hide_file={.yce_prop} delete_failed_uploads=YES /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list ycicle /etc/ssh/sshd_config # $OpenBSD: sshd_config,v 1.80 2008/07/02 02:24:18 djm Exp $ # This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file. See # sshd_config(5) for more information. # This sshd was compiled with PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin # The strategy used for options in the default sshd_config shipped with # OpenSSH is to specify options with their default value where # possible, but leave them commented. Uncommented options change a # default value. #Port 22 #AddressFamily any #ListenAddress #ListenAddress :: # Disable legacy (protocol version 1) support in the server for new # installations. In future the default will change to require explicit # activation of protocol 1 Protocol 2 HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key # Lifetime and size of ephemeral version 1 server key #KeyRegenerationInterval 1h #ServerKeyBits 1024 # Logging # obsoletes QuietMode and FascistLogging #SyslogFacility AUTH SyslogFacility AUTHPRIV #LogLevel INFO # Authentication: #LoginGraceTime 2m PermitRootLogin no #StrictModes yes #MaxAuthTries 6 #MaxSessions 10 #RSAAuthentication yes #PubkeyAuthentication yes #AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys #AuthorizedKeysCommand none #AuthorizedKeysCommandRunAs nobody # For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts #RhostsRSAAuthentication no # similar for protocol version 2 #HostbasedAuthentication no # Change to yes if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for # RhostsRSAAuthentication and HostbasedAuthentication #IgnoreUserKnownHosts no # Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files IgnoreRhosts yes # To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here! #PasswordAuthentication yes #PermitEmptyPasswords no PasswordAuthentication yes # Change to no to disable s/key passwords #ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes ChallengeResponseAuthentication no # Kerberos options #KerberosAuthentication no #KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes #KerberosTicketCleanup yes #KerberosGetAFSToken no #KerberosUseKuserok yes # GSSAPI options GSSAPIAuthentication yes GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes #GSSAPIStrictAcceptorCheck yes #GSSAPIKeyExchange no # Set this to 'yes' to enable PAM authentication, account processing, # and session processing. If this is enabled, PAM authentication will # be allowed through the ChallengeResponseAuthentication and # PasswordAuthentication. Depending on your PAM configuration, # PAM authentication via ChallengeResponseAuthentication may bypass # the setting of "PermitRootLogin without-password". # If you just want the PAM account and session checks to run without # PAM authentication, then enable this but set PasswordAuthentication # and ChallengeResponseAuthentication to 'no'. #UsePAM no UsePAM yes # Accept locale-related environment variables AcceptEnv LANG LC_CTYPE LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME LC_COLLATE LC_MONETARY LC_MESSAGES AcceptEnv LC_PAPER LC_NAME LC_ADDRESS LC_TELEPHONE LC_MEASUREMENT AcceptEnv LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_ALL LANGUAGE AcceptEnv XMODIFIERS #AllowAgentForwarding yes #AllowTcpForwarding yes #GatewayPorts no X11Forwarding no #X11DisplayOffset 10 #X11UseLocalhost yes #PrintMotd yes PrintLastLog yes #TCPKeepAlive yes #UseLogin no #UsePrivilegeSeparation yes #PermitUserEnvironment no #Compression delayed #ClientAliveInterval 0 #ClientAliveCountMax 3 #ShowPatchLevel no #UseDNS yes #PidFile /var/run/sshd.pid #MaxStartups 10:30:100 #PermitTunnel no #ChrootDirectory none # no default banner path #Banner none # Set Ciphers and MACs Ciphers aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr MACs hmac-ripemd160,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com # no reverse lookups UseDNS no # override default of no subsystems Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server # Subsystem sftp internal-sftp Match User ycicle AllowTCPForwarding no X11Forwarding no # ChrootDirectory /var/opt/shared # ForceCommand internal-sftp # ForceCommand /opt/yce/bin/cpsh.pl /etc/ssh/sftp_config ## MySecureShell Configuration File ## #Default rules for everybody GlobalDownload 0 #total speed download for all clients # o -> bytes k -> kilo bytes m -> mega bytes GlobalUpload 0 #total speed download for all clients (0 for unlimited) Download 0 #limit speed download for each connection Upload 0 #unlimit speed upload for each connection StayAtHome true #limit client to his home VirtualChroot true #fake a chroot to the home account LimitConnection 50 #max connection for the server sftp LimitConnectionByUser 50 #max connection for the account LimitConnectionByIP 2 #max connection by ip for the account #ey Home /home/$USER #overrite home of the user but if you want you can use # environment variable (ie: Home /home/$USER) IdleTimeOut 5m #(in second) deconnect client is idle too long time ResolveIP true #resolve ip to dns # IgnoreHidden true #treat all hidden files as if they don't exist # DirFakeUser true #Hide real file/directory owner (just change displayed permissions) # DirFakeGroup true #Hide real file/directory group (just change displayed permissions) # DirFakeMode 0400 #Hide real file/directory rights (just change displayed permissions) #Add execution right for directory if read right is set HideNoAccess true #Hide file/directory which user has no access # MaxOpenFilesForUser 20 #limit user to open x files on same time # MaxWriteFilesForUser 10 #limit user to x upload on same time # MaxReadFilesForUser 10 #limit user to x download on same time DefaultRights 0640 0750 #Set default rights for new file and new directory # MinimumRights 0400 0700 #Set minimum rights for files and dirs ShowLinksAsLinks false #show links as their destinations # ConnectionMaxLife 1d #limits connection lifetime to 1 day # Charset "ISO-8859-15" #set charset of computer #EY Shell /opt/yce/bin/cpsh.pl Home /var/opt/shared/ Shell /opt/yce/bin/cpsh.pl Home /var/opt/shared/ VirtualChroot true ResolveIP false IgnoreHidden true ShowLinksAsLinks false #Rules only for group ftp # # Download 25 k/s # LogFile /var/log/sftp-server_ftp.log #Change logfile # ExpireDate "2007-02-28 18:31:01" # # # IsAdmin true #can admin the server # VirtualChroot false #you must disable chroot to have a full support of admin # StayAtHome true # IdleTimeOut 0 # # # SftpProtocol 3 #force protocol SFTP # DisableAccount true #disable account # #Rules only for group ftpnolimit # # Download 0 #0 = unlimited # IdleTimeOut 0 #no timeout # DirFakeUser false #show real user on file/directory # DirFakeGroup false #show real group on file/directory # DirFakeMode 0 #show real rights on file/directory # MaxReadFilesForUser 0 #0 = unlimited but still have the restriction MaxOpenFilesForUser # # # ByPassGlobalDownload true #bypass GlobalDownload restriction # ByPassGlobalUpload true #bypass GlobalUpload restriction # Download 0 # DisableAccount false #enable account # IdleTimeOut 0 #disable timeout # LimitConnectionByIP 0 #no limit # # # Shell /bin/tcsh #give a shell access to TRUSTED clients !!! # # # DirFakeUser false #show real user on file/directory # DirFakeGroup false #show real group on file/directory # DirFakeMode 0 #show real rights on file/directory # HideNoAccess false # IgnoreHidden false # #Include /etc/my_sftp_config_file #include this valid configuration file /etc/systemd/system/chronyd.service.d/yce [Service] PrivateTmp=no ===== MariaDB (MySQL) ===== copy the {{:maintenance:general:mysql_10.3.tgz|mysql_10.3.tgz}} to the system systemctl stop mariadb.service rm -rf /var/opt/mysql tar xzpf mysql_10.3.tgz -C /var/opt chown -R yce:nms /var/opt/mysql ===== net_setup & yce_setup ===== sudo /opt/yce/system/net_setup.pl /opt/yce/system/yce_setup.pl ===== Service activation ===== sudo systemctl enable postfix sudo systemctl enable yce_psmon sudo systemctl enable sshd sudo systemctl enable syslog-ng sudo systemctl enable rpcbind sudo systemctl enable rpcbind.socket sudo systemctl enable snmpd sudo systemctl disable firewalld sudo systemctl start postfix sudo systemctl start yce_psmon sudo systemctl start sshd sudo systemctl start syslog-ng sudo systemctl start rpcbind sudo systemctl start rpcbind.socket sudo systemctl start snmpd ===== Mysql repair ===== /opt/yce/system/mysql_repair.sh Verify mysql is running else execute again. ===== Install yce_patches ===== cd /opt/yce/system ./patch_install.pl ===== csv_api.ini optional ===== wget https://wiki.netyce.com/lib/exe/fetch.php/maintenance:downloads:system_updates:csv_api.ini -O /opt/yce/etc/csv_api.ini ===== cleanup, if needed ===== rm /opt/yce/etc/ignore_* ===== reboot ===== sudo reboot