====== NetYCE installation prerequisites ====== Presented below is a quick overview of the important prerequisites when using NetYCE. Where especially the server section is important if NetYCE is to be used on a shared server. ===== Node Communication ===== * Requires a functional user to connect to all devices (or per group/domain) * Requires direct connectivity to the node on the IP address provided * Requires direct connectivity from the node to the NetYCE server to support backups (NCCM) on the desired/supported protocol (tftp, ftp, sftp, scp) The [[guides:reference:connection_matrix|connection matrix]] showing the connectivity requirements. ===== Server ===== When using the NetYCE provided VM the below is taken care of. They are applicable if NetYCE is to be used on a shared server. * Centos/RHEL 7, x86_64 arch * SElinux not supported * MariaDB supported versions 10.0 - 10.4 * communication ports fully 'owned' by own daemons * (tftp, ftp, httpd, scheduler, xch-api, restful-api, backend) * some port-numbers can be re-assigned, but most are industry-standard * manages httpd, mysql/mariadb, vsftpd configuration files * ssh server is to support [[maintenance:general:file_transfer_account_setup#scp_and_sftp_setup|MySecureShell]] * minimal root-privileges * process-manager, ssh, httpd, vsftpd run as 'root', all other processes as 'yce' * some sudo setup requirements apply * Require shared 'yce' and 'ycicle' userid's * not-configurable paths * /opt/yce/ * /opt/ycelib * /var/opt/yce * /var/opt/mysql * /var/opt/shared