====== Install YCE distribution ====== Downloaded NetYCE release imaged can be quickly installed using the front-end.\\ From the **Admin** menu select **System**. The **System status** tool is activated by default. {{:downloads:system_status_page.png}} To get to the NetYCE update section, check the box **Full report** and click on the server-button to be updated. In the resulting page, scroll down to the **YCE software** section where the button labeled **Install YCE distribution** can be found. Drag the downloaded installation image (eg YCE_.0.0_20140812.bin) over the ''Choose file'' button or select the file after pressing it). Then press the **Install YCE distribution** button which will upload it to the server and start the installation process. {{:downloads:installation_file_selection.png}} Patiently wait until the install file gets uploaded, installed and the System page is completed. The install usually takes about a minute. On scarse occasions the install will take longer when extensive database migrations need to be made. Please consult the release notes if such is indicated. Below an example of this process {{:downloads:installation_example.png}}