===== Config parsing ===== > Config parsing is temporarily disabled /* Create a new Command job with a desired name. ==== Command job ==== ! ==== Job scenario ==== Description Parse config for vendor_type := Cisco_IOS context := interfaces task := interface_cfg_parse ==== Parsing template Interfaces_Cisco_IOS ==== [interface] interface description ==== Parsing template Interface_details_Cisco_IOS ==== [interface <>] description ip address ip ospf message-digest-key md5 7 ip ospf area ==== Scenario ==== Description Interface config parsing on # Test whether node is live and reachable reachable -n if log -m " is not reachable" stop endif log -m " is reachable" := Parse_run -n -t Interfaces_ -c -v if_name log -m "interfaces: " foreach in log -m := "interface " := Parse_run -n -t Interface_details_ -c -v if_description if log -m "Interface has description " endif endeach **NOTE**: during the scenario the full configuration is only retrieved once. No matter the amount of parse_run commands you use in the scenario. This way the device will not be overloaded. */