======Verify that the banner is configured for login====== Defines a customised banner to be displayed before the username and password login prompts. Below example helps in validating Banner configuration using NetYCE Compliance module ===Example config=== //campus01-b02-access01// and //campus01-b02-access02// are the two reference devices which we are using for this example. One has banner configuration and other does not. Below command output gives us the information. ==campus01-b02-access01#== {{:guides:user:compliance:compliance:howto:cpl2_1.png}} ==campus01-b02-access02#== {{:guides:user:compliance:compliance:howto:cpl2_2.png}} ===How its done=== Below are the steps to create new policy. **Operate -> Compliance -> Policies -> New->** {{:guides:user:compliance:compliance:howto:cpl2_3.png}} Click on the Node Group to select the relevant group of devices to add. Node group named "//building2_access//" holds the nodes of both the nodes: {{:guides:user:compliance:compliance:howto:cpl2_4.png}} **Rule** -> New , **Rule Type** -> Configuration , **Vendor** -> Cisco IOS {{:guides:user:compliance:compliance:howto:cpl2_5.png}} {{:guides:user:compliance:compliance:howto:cpl2_6.png}} ===Report/test results:=== Below is how to create reports to see the results of the compliance policies. //Operate -> Compliance -> Reports -> New -> Report Name “test” -> Report type “Policies” -> Policy Name “Sample 2 : Login banner” -> Show Report// {{:guides:user:compliance:compliance:howto:cpl2_10.png}} This was a simple example to understand how to implement compliance policy to verify banner configuration.