{{indexmenu_n>2}} ====== Special names ====== Some Service-type commands, when called from the NetYCE API's, support more than one "custom" value. These additional variables will only be recognized if the service-type API call has the correct custom name and corresponding value. Listed below are the Service-type commands and the additional reserved "custom" variable names it can use. Using these names might affect your intentions. E.g. When adding a node in a service-type using the variable (node_name), it will use this name without having to specify an entry to specify the hostname. Therefore not creating a step in between creating the hostname based on the node_type. This could be very useful. Though be careful when using the variable (node_name) when adding 2 nodes. This will end up in an error, since the second node will want to use the same hostname. If these custom names are provided to the service type API call, they will be used even in absence of an entry in the service type itself. ''ADD CLIENT CURRENT CLIENT_CODE value clnt'' * client_type * client_code * Client_name ''ADD IPV6_NET srv CUSTOM value ipv6net'' * ipv6net_address * ipv6net_size * ipv6net_prefix * ipv6net_vlan_id * ipv6net_vlan_tpl ''ADD MPLS_VRF CURRENT VRF_ID value mpls_vrf''\\ ''ADD MPLS_VRF CURRENT VRF_NAME value mpls_vrf''\\ ''ADD MPLS_VRF CURRENT VRF_ID_NEW value mpls_vrf'' * client_type (to overrule the current Client type) * mpls_vrf_id (only when type_match = 'vrf_name') * mpls_vrf_name (only when type_match = 'vrf_id' or 'vrf_id_new') * mpls_vrf_as * mpls_vrf_rd * mpls_vrf_rt * mpls_vrf_opt1 * mpls_vrf_opt2 * mpls_type * mpls_management ''LOCATE MPLS_VRF CURRENT VRF_NAME value mpls_vrf''\\ ''LOCATE MPLS_VRF CURRENT VRF_ID value mpls_vrf'' * client_type ''LOCATE SUBNET NET_ADDRESS value net'' \\ ''LOCATE SUBNET NET_NAME value net'' \\ ''LOCATE SUBNET NET_DESCR value net'' \\ ''LOCATE SUBNET VLAN_ID value net'' \\ > If the vrf_id or vrf_name is included in the custom vars, the located subnet must be assigned this Vrf. * vrf_id * vrf_name ''ADD NODE srv NODE_TYPE value node'' * node_name ''ADD SERVICE sit CURRENT value srv'' \\ ''ADD SERVICE SITE CURRENT value''\\ ''ADD SERVICE SITE SITE_CODE sit srv'' * client_code * site_code ''ADD SUBNET srv CUSTOM value'' * net_address * net_size * net_prefix * vlan_id * vlan_tpl * Vrf_name * Vrf_id ''ADD SUPERNET clnt IP_PLAN value super''\\ ''ADD SUPERNET clnt IP_SUPERNET value super'' * ip_supernet * ip_plan ''ADD VRF node VRF_ID value vrf''\\ ''ADD VRF node VRF_NAME value vrf'' * vrf_id * mpls_vrf_id ''ADD CMDB dom NODE value cmdb''\\ ''ADD CMDB dom NODE node cmdb'' * vendor_type * node_fqdn * admin_domain * mgmt_vrf_name * cmdb_tag * cmdb_status * client_type * region * client_code * site_code ''ASSIGN SITE sit -attribute- value NULL''\\ ''ASSIGN SITE sit PAR_GROUP value NULL'' * client_code * site_code ''ADD SITE clnt SITE_CODE value site'' * site_type ''ADD SERVER clnt SERVER_KEY value server'' ''ADD SERVER clnt SERVER_KEY value server'' * server_key * server_name * server_address * server_ipv6_address * server_status * server_notes