====== Lookup Password ====== The "**Password**" class of Lookup settings allows the definition of what comprises a valid user password. A number of password rules can be configured to match the local policies. These rules will be used to validate the password users can set on their //local// NetYCE account. They have no bearing on the password used when the accounts are managed by Ldap or Active Directory. The password settings are available for 'manager' level NetYCE users using the [[menu:admin:settings:settings|Admin - Lookup]] menu under the 'Password' class. === Consec === <= 2 no more than 2 identical consecutive characters === Default_age === 60 The default password expiry age === Grace_logins === 2 The number of logins allowed when password is expired === History === 12 Check new password against history for repetitions. Set history to 12 === Lower === >= 1 at least 1 lowercase character === MaxChars === <= 20 no more than 20 chars === MinChars === >= 8 at least 8 characters === MonthEnd === <= 12 no trailing month numbers allowed ([0]1-12) === MonthStart === <= 12 no leading month numbers allowed ([0]1-12) === Numbers === >= 1 at least 1 digit === Realm === CRC The Realm value is used in calculating the MD5. If a change is desired, it should be done before creating the users. Calculates MD5 from: :: === Spaces === <= 3 no spaces allowed === Special === >= 0 at least 1 special char === Unique === >= 5 at least 5 unique characters === Upper === >= 1 at least 1 uppercase character === Warn_age === 7 The number of days to warn before the password will expire