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maintenance:releases:7.1.1_20191219 [2019/12/19 10:55] – created yspeertemaintenance:releases:7.1.1_20191219 [2024/07/03 12:31] (current) – external edit
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 +===== NetYCE 7.1.1 Build_20191219 =====
 +===== Release notes =====
 +Date: 2019-12-19
 +<WRAP widths 60% box safety>
 +==== Enhancement ====
 +=== Device model and s/w version ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +Although NetYCE allows to model a device software-version and hardware type, it did not track
 +the actually running software-version and hardware-model of each device. To support creating
 +templates and compliance rules for specific hardware or s/w versions these values are now
 +dynamically determined at each job start and stored in the NetYCE database. This is done for
 +both YCE and CMDB based nodes. 
 +These new variables are named <Node_model> and <Software_version>.
 +=== Scenario 'Split' function ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +The 'split' function was added to the scenarios. This function allows a string or variable to be 
 +split into a variable array using a separator character or string. The function accepts multiple
 +input variables or lists of which each element will be split using the specified separator.
 +A single list variable will be returned. 
 +The separator may be a single character, a string using wildcards, or a regex pattern. Optional
 +arguments allow the result to be sorted alphabetically or to return only a limited number of
 +=== Scheduler node-locks ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +The NetYCE job scheduler always accepted jobs for any node and executed the jobs at their assigned
 +time-slot. When two jobs are scheduled for the same node and their execution overlapped, the resulting
 +configuration could become unpredictable and might require longer execution times.
 +To alleviate these complications, node job-locking is added to the scheduler. This function will
 +prevent the scheduler to execute more than one job at the time for the same node. Jobs slotted to start
 +executing while a NetYCE jobs is still running for that node will be put on hold until the previous
 +jobs finishes. Jobs on hold will have a scheduler state 'wait' which is highlighted using a yellow background.
 +The node for which the lock is checked is the node selected when submitting the job. The locks do not
 +apply to other nodes the job may open sessions with.
 +To prevent locking out subsequent jobs because of a very slow job, the maximum duration a node may obtain
 +an exclusive lock is 10 minutes. After this time a waiting job may start regardless of the still running
 +job. This second job may also keep the lock for only 10 minutes.
 +Should a series of jobs all wait for its predecessors to finish, they can only do so for one hour. After
 +one hour in the 'wait' state, the job is set 'suspended' in the assumption that its maintenance slot
 +is now expired. Suspended jobs can be rescheduled by the operator.
 +Finally, if the new job-locking by node is undesired, it can be disabled by setting the Lookup Tweak 
 +'Sched_ignore_locks'. The job activation mechanism will then function as in previous releases.
 +=== SSL hardening ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +The NetYCE front-end can be set-up to use the unencrypted 'http' or the encrypted 'https'. When using
 +https, a SSL-certificate must be created and installed. To further strengthen the security offered by
 +https and the certificate, the protocol and encryption ciphers can be chosen to offer best protection.
 +By default NetYCE accepts TLS1, TLS1.1 and TLS1.2. An additional setting in 'yce_setup' allows the 
 +administrator to restrict these protocols to TLS1.2 only. The lower levels are considered weak and
 +the preferred level is TLS1.2 which all modern Browsers support. Only older revisions or obscure browsers
 +might not support this level.
 +By executing the '''' script and answering 'Y' to the 'SSL-hardening' prompt will
 +the 'TLS1.2-only' access be configured on the system. A 'N' to this prompt will configure access
 +for TLS1, 1.1 and 1.2. The older SSL2 and SSL3 levels will always be disabled.
 +YCE server roles:
 +  #  Hostname         Front-end    SSL     HTTPD     URL      Mojo     Database     Id
 +* 0) yce-one          yes          https   root      name     8080     yes          1
 +  Select the server# to change, 'C' to continue: [0]
 +    'yce-one' is (also) a Front-end server? [Y]
 +    'yce-one' is DNS resolvable (y/n)? [Y]
 +    'yce-one' uses SSL (y/n)? [Y]
 +    'yce-one' uses SSL-hardening (y/n)? [Y] ?
 +      enter 'y' for TLS1.2 only, or 'n'
 +    'yce-one' uses SSL-hardening (y/n)? [Y] y
 +=== Single-sign-on ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +NetYCE servers support Single-sign-on (SSO) where the user can login on one NetYCE server and
 +have login-free access to the other NetYCE servers. This SSO function worked as intended, but
 +still was cause for confusion when 'a' NetYCE system would spontaneously force a logout or
 +deny access to a tool due to 'permissions'.
 +The underlying cause was that customers use various NetYCE environments for 'production' and 'testing'.
 +Each of these environments can consist of various servers but each has its own (replicating) database.
 +A user logged-in to one environment can access a server in the other environment and finds that the
 +session works - up to a point. This was caused by the fact that the user and his credentials exist in
 +both environments, but the 'proof' of logging in, the session-id, is not present in that database.
 +The SSO function has now been redesigned to permit access across environments. The session-id does
 +not have to be present in the 'guest' environment to be validated and accepted - provided the user-id
 +exists in both environments and use the same password. If the users' permissions differ across 
 +the environments, they will be applied according the environment he is working in.
 +=== Reports ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +NetYCE offers custom reports using SQL queries on the various databases it manages. These
 +reports of old were executed on the NetYCE server the user defined them on. Also the resulting
 +reports were stored on the local disk of the server. Consequently the reports could only be
 +viewed and retrieved on the same server.
 +When several servers are deployed the user is often aware where the report is available. However
 +that is often not the case when the report is to be executed and/or retrieved using the API.
 +To allow transparent access to report definitions and the generated reports using the both the
 +front-end and the API, the reporting back-end has been reworked to use the NetYCE database as the
 +shared environment. Reports can now be created, edited and viewed from any NetYCE server and
 +the API will execute the reporting from any server.
 +Generated reports can also be retrieved by URL directly from the browser. The URL uses the format
 +''''. This results in a csv file in Unix format,
 +but can be converted to Dos using ''''
 +The scheduled execution of the reports is balanced (by number of reports) over the available 
 +servers and still uses the standard Unix 'cron' to support the existing scheduling intervals.
 +=== Ping tool ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +A new 'ping' tool was build to replace the existing 'ping' and 'ping6' tools. Where previously only
 +nodes fully modeled in NetYCE could be pinged, it can now ping modeled NetYCE nodes, CMDB nodes and
 +ad-hoc devices using IPv4 and IPv6. 
 +Ad-hoc devices can be entered using a fqdn or an IPv4/IPv6 address. The tool will ping all
 +(resolved) ip-address three times reporting the resulting round-trip times in ms, or as a 
 +red '-' for each failed ping.
 +=== CMDB Management VRF ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +NetYCE transfers files between its servers and the Network devices by initiating the session 
 +from the devices. More and more designs (and vendors) require that these connections use the 
 +designated Management VRF and for properly modeled YCE nodes this VRF selection works
 +However for CMDB nodes where the available information on each device is severely limited, there
 +was no option to select the proper Management VRF. To support these configurations the Cmdb_nodes
 +now have an additional attribute to configure the 'Mgmt_vrf_name'. By default this attribute
 +is empty signifying no management VRF is used. When a value for mgmt_vrf_name is inserted, 
 +it is used for specifying the VRF name for the transfer.
 +If a node name exists as both an YCE and and as a CMDB node, the YCE node configuration takes 
 +precedence. The Mgmt_vrf_name is strictly used for CMDB nodes. Basic command jobs for ad-hoc
 +devices that have neither an YCE model nor a CMDB record cannot use a VRF.
 +=== Scenario csv-file/report commands ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +Two reporting commands were added to the scenarios: ''csv_report'' and ''csv_file''
 +The csv_report can create a custom report output file from variable lists created
 +in the scenario. A report is created from a single or a number of variables that
 +have values that are related by row. 
 +The first value of each supplied variable is combined into a row and converted into 
 +a csv (comma-separated-values) line. By doing the same over all items in the lists a
 +report is generated. The 'csv_report' adds the result to the custom reports where
 +they can be viewed and downloaded using the GUI, or fetched using the API or URL.
 +The 'csv_file' generates the same output data but saves it as a local file in the job
 +directory. It is then viewable and downloadable from the job details window. 
 +To put this csv-file to additional use: the ''send_email'' command was for this purpose
 +extended with the ''-a <attachment>'' option. This will allow the operator to create a
 +log or data file and mail it to his desk, right from the scenario!
 +<WRAP widths 60% box safety>
 +==== Change ====
 +=== backslash '\'-protection in scenarios ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +When using templates and scenario's, some characters have special meaning. These are used in templates to
 +indicate a conditional configuration line (using ''|..|'') or a sub-template to be substituted (using ''{..}'').
 +And in scenarios to indicate a special operator (like \s\d\r\n) in regex conditions (e.g. ''/^\s*\d+/'').
 +To prevent these characters form being interpreted as a template operator and just type the character,
 +backslash-protection is used. The string ''{name}'' refers to the template 'name' but the string ''<color red>\</color>{name<color red>\</color>}''
 +refers just to the string and will output ''{name}''.
 +However, using this protection in scenarios would lead to unexpected results, often resulting in multiple
 +levels of protection. The regex example above would work only when stored as ''/^\\\\s*\\\\d+/''.
 +This less-than-desirable behavior has been addressed in such a way that only a single backslash-protection
 +is all that is needed. The regex in a scenario is typed as intended without additional backslashes and
 +to use a literal character in a template or scenario only requires a single backslash. The special characters
 +like ''\n'' for a return or a ''\t'' for a tab are substituted where expected.
 +> **Important**: The modified processing of backslash-protection might result in some existing scenarios to fail. Multiple sets of backslashes (''\\\\'') will result in, indeed, backslashes (''\\''). These scenarios need to be reviewed and tested.
 +=== SSH-config ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +Most communication with the devices nowadays use the SSH protocol. This protocol evolved
 +over time and now can use different versions using various ciphers and encryption standards.
 +NetYCE always used the default SSH protocols and ciphers that was installed op the operating
 +system, and those defaults changed when moving from CentOS/RedHat version 6 to version 7.
 +To avoid no longer being able to connect to devices due to a change in supported SSH settings,
 +the default SSH configuration is now overruled by a configuration file that will incorporate
 +all available features of the SSH version running. Since this applies strictly to **outgoing**
 +connections there is no security impact as it is the receiving device that determines the 
 +acceptable protocols.
 +The SSH configuration file is ''/opt/yce/etc/ssh_config'' and can be modified by the server
 +administrator when desired. This configuration will __only__ be used by NetYCE jobs, for
 +cli-based sessions the default system SSH config file ''/etc/ssh/ssh_config'' is used.
 +Note: NetYCE uses the system SSHD configuration file ''/etc/ssh/sshd_config'' for its 
 +**incoming** connections.
 +=== Form permissions ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +When NetYCE denied the user access to a menu, form or tool, it was not always obvious that
 +insufficient permissions were the reason for a lack of response or a prompt (re-login) to
 +provide better credentials.
 +The various cases were evaluated and modified to provide the user with a consistent message
 +reporting //"You do not have permissions to view this page"//.
 +Some inconsistent privileges were corrected.
 +=== Parsing Template test ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +When we introduced the command parsing with its own set of templates, we also added a tool to 
 +assist the engineer to create these command parsing templates. This 'Parsing test' tool was
 +located in the 'Design' menu under the 'Template trace' option.
 +Because it was considered more logical to have it available as an operational tool, it was
 +relocated to the 'Operate' menu under the 'Tools' option.
 +=== Scenario assignments ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +When the scenarios were extended with the support for variables, support for nested and 
 +indirect variables was included. This allowed for a very flexible definition of variables
 +where even the order of the definition of a variable was properly 'resolved'. You could
 +define for example ''<if_name> := "Eth<slot>/<port>'' and assign the <slot> and <port> values
 +later, or even change them within a loop. 
 +However, this 'feature' implied that the <ifname> variable did not contain what was expected
 +resulting in failed tests values or 'saved' values that all of a sudden proved to be all of
 +the same value!
 +Since these out-of-order value assignments are for most people counter-intuitive, we decided to 
 +make all assignments in the scenario (like <var> := <value>) to 'resolve' their nested and
 +indirect values - if defined. The variable references that do not yet exist are maintained. 
 +The resulting variables will then contain their expected values and still support the out-of-order
 +definitions if needed.
 +To properly support any as yet 'unresolved' variables referenced in an if-condition, these 
 +missing values are substituted for the comparison but do not alter the variable value permanently.
 +This allows to still benefit from any out-of-order definitions and loop constructions if desired
 +or already in place.
 +<WRAP widths 60% box safety>
 +==== Fix ====
 +=== F5 BigIP fixes ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +Several issues dealing with the F5 BigIP vendor module have been fixed:
 +  * At login the 'tmos' shell was not detected
 +  * Depending on version, the backup 'no-passphrase' argument was unknown
 +  * When a login failed, the log did not show for with user name
 +=== Huawei fixes ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +A problem when saving a configuration for backup or NCCM purposes failed. This issue is fixed.
 +=== Cisco censoring ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +When a device configuration from the NCCM environment is shown on-screen, the NetYCE system
 +will hide security sensitive information like passwords for operators lacking the privileges.
 +This censoring mechanism uses keywords and patterns to find these phrases to be censored.
 +An update to the Cisco IOS and XE vendor modules was made to improve the recognition of 
 +snmp-server configurations for snmp-v3.
 +=== NCCM database restore ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +NCCM databases could fail to be restored where an error in compatible patchlevels was incorrectly 
 +reported. This issue was fixed.
 +=== Template AND conditions ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +In templates, conditions can be combined to create 'AND' conditions (e.g. '|<var1>||<var2>|'). 
 +When used to test on multiple variables without compare values as in this example, inconsistent
 +results were produced if one of the variables had no value. These results also made the 
 +repeat conditions ('||' and |!|') unpredictable.
 +These issues were resolved.
 +=== Template comments ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +Templates can use several types of comment characters ('#", '!', '--') that mark the 
 +beginning of a comment line. The comment lines in templates are dropped from the generated 
 +configuration, save the lines starting with the character used by the device vendor. These 
 +comment lines are included in the generated configuration.
 +These included comment lines may contain variables to be substituted to make the comment
 +clearer. However, when a sub-template was 'commented out' using this method, the configuration
 +would still include the parsed sub-template - with the initial line commented out.
 +This was fixed by only parsing only the vendor comment lines and protecting the template
 +brackets by including backslashes ('\{...\}')
 +**Update**: The introduction of this vendor comment line handling was observed to introduce an 
 +unwanted side effect: Template blocks (lines ending in backslashes '\' form blocks and are parsed 
 +as a unit) with multiple templates would result in only the first template to be expanded, the
 +remainder to be commented out. By reworking the multiline parsing and extending the comment 
 +handling resolved this issue.
 +=== Unexpected device prompts ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +Vendor modules using the device CLI sometimes are confronted with unexpected prompts. These prompts
 +are handled automatically by accepting the default using an 'enter'. It was noted however, that
 +when these defaults were not used and the CLI demanded a typed answer, the job would not properly
 +timeout as was the case in previous NetYCE releases.
 +This issue is now fixed.
 +=== OS upgrade file-sizes ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +Over the years file and file-system sizes have grown. Since NetYCE stores the OS-upgrade file sizes and
 +disk spaces in bytes, the limit of regular integer databases columns are no longer sufficient for storing
 +the now common numbers. 
 +The limit of 4.2 GB is now raised to 18 PB (yes, Peta-bytes) by redefining the relevant database columns.
 +=== Rebooting HP C7 devices ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +A problem where the scenario command ''reboot'' for HP Comware-7 systems would not properly
 +reboot was fixed. Answering an additional prompt and a timing issue resolved the problem.
 +=== SFTP transfers ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +Most networking jobs will use SFTP as the preferred file transfer method. NetYCE uses a secured
 +SFTP environment involving 'MySecureShell'. The configuration file for this environment,
 +''/etc/ssh/sftp_config'', is created on server installation based on the distributed version.
 +It now has become apparent that this standard configuration file uses some performance limiting
 +settings which allows only one session at the time at limited bandwidth.
 +An updated SFTP configuration file will be automatically installed when updating the software,
 +but might require modifications on some systems. The new configuration limits the total SFTP bandwidth
 +to the devices (download) to 100 Mbps with a max of 10 Mbps per session up to 50 parallel sessions.
 +These settings were chosen to prevent poor performance for users when massive OS-upgades are in
 +progress. See the Wiki article [[maintenance:general:file_transfer_account_setup#scp_and_sftp_setup|File-transfer Account setup]] for details.
 +=== Highest port-id ===
 +<WRAP indent>
 +When adding ports, a maximum value of 256 for the port-id was used in the GUI. Plenty for 
 +ordinary devices but no longer for high-density devices. The same maximum value also
 +applied to port-channel ports which supports values up to 4k.
 +These limits for physical and logical port-ids are now raised to 99.999. Since the node
 +slot port-overview is limited to 150 icons an icon with '=>' is diaplayed to indicate higher
 +port-ids then shown are present.

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